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ECKCM '03 for teens

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Daily Quote: "Overwork sometimes causes a loss of self-control. But the Lord never compels hurried, complicated movements."
Messages to Young People By E.G. White
This is the rag-tag-made KSDA teen website made by James and Peter. We hope you enjoy everything in here. We hope that we can reach out to you and get you closer to God, as well as tackle some teen issues as well. After all,  I am just like you all. I understand what you are going through. This website was made for the reason of comforting, strengthening, and spirituality.  We also ask that you contribute to us as well. Thanks a lot. Really.
Site Information:
Last Update: Friday, November 28, 2003: MESSAGE ADDED!!!
Articles: 1
Messages: 2
Testimonies: 0

Total: 0
Articles: 0
Messages: 0
Testimonies: 0
Friday, December 26th, 2003
Merry X-Mas? Meh.... Updates coming your way... Though i don' think anyone is gonna look at this stuff...
Zero's Sword

Friday, November 28, (!!!) 2003
Man... One day becomes two, two becomes 3 months. In laymen's terms. Oye vey, I should really just keep coming, now that I have some time open. Me not so good anymore. I bet I could yell in this empty room and nothing with shout back, not even my echo.
Zero's Sword

Saturday, October 25, 2003
Very nice day. I finally have some free time this sabbath. So woohoo everyone! I'm gonna start working on it again. Sorry that I couldn't. Church took a lot of time. Ja ne....
(no sig this time)

Saturday, October 11, 2003
Aw, man... I've been spending some time with the church. So I very very little time to update anymore. Much less have time to write something for this site. Oh well, what are you gonna do. I can't write on Sunday or Columbus Day because I got to go on a trip. I need a laptop. Oh well, I should be thankful that this site still exists. There are a lot of people out there. Plus, right now, I feel unworthy of trying to reach out right now. It's not like I don't want to, but I feel unworthy to. It's hard to say what it is specifically. Anyway..... I'll be off, so I don't even have time to update the daily quote... So it'll be a repeat from last week. Sorry... JA NE!
- James

Sunday, October 5, 2003
Sorry folks, I've been pretty active with the church, so I had very little time to do anything on this site. I don't know if anyone even comes here. Oh well, I don't know anything so, I'll keep doing what I do. Since I missed my Sabbath logging, I'll do it now. Hehe, school is hard too. Anyway, I'll see you all around. And let your troubles fall away. Feelings are meaningless when decisions need to be made. Ja Ne!
- James

Sunday, September 21, 2003
Well, sorry I couldn't do anything yesterday, I was with my church the whole day. Anyway, just checking up, and doing some stuff that's all. FIN
- James James's logo

Friday, September 12, 2003
Well, this website has moved from Geocities, to Angelfire. For reasons I will not be stating. Anyway, there will be some advertisement, so please bear with me. I needed a few things from this Provider that Geocities didn't. Trust me, I don't like Angelfire that much, but it's like the only choice I have right now so... Sorry. I'm out. FIN
- James James's logo

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