Team Deacon Vs. The Kliq

The Loose Cannon is sitting in his backyard pool area of his house in Davenport, Iowa sipping on a Diet Pepsi and enjoying a plate of fresh yams with his buddy Deacon.

Deacon: Very nice spread you have here Roy.

LC: Thanks Deacon, not as nice as your place down in Texas, but hey, i useto spend to much money on beer and loose women.

Well thats all changed now, your on the right path and nothing can stop you from having a very sucessful life now.

You see that huge house over on top of that hill over there?

Yeah that big mansion?

Yeah, thats Jason's house, look at it, for all the evil that he does and the way he leads his life, he still lives like a king, and you know why, cause he takes whatever he wants from whoever he wants and makes it his. He's done it since he was a kid. Thats how he has that huge mansion on the hill and his hundreds of acres of land, stole it from some family members when they were down on their luck, gave them maybe 10 percent of what it was worth. And nothings changed, in wrestling he is the same way. He just takes people and only keeps them around and is nice to them as long as they serve a purpose to whatever his goals are at the moment. Just like im sure hes doing right now with Damon and Vinny Chompways, just having them as long as he needs them to do something for him and them boom, he'll turn on them so fast they wont even know what hit them. Well ive had enough of his ways and the ways he and the Kliq think they can control everyone. He said this was a homecoming for him this weekend, well its my homecoming too, and together with you and Apex, The Loose Cannon is the one that is gonna be celebrating in his hometown. This will be the weekend that the Kliq goes down and goes down hard, and its gonna be great for us to be the ones that put them down, especially my brother Big Daddy, nothing would humilate him more than to be beaten in his hometown in front of the maybe 7 fans in the entire world that actually like him. Nothing would be better than that Deacon, us distroying the Kliq at their own pay per view.

Amen to the Roy, Amen

The two continue to chat at Roy's house as the scene fades to black