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In Memory Of Justin Leslie

The picture above is one of the 2002 soccer team

The pictures to the left and bottom were taken at central park in Sanford where the hockey team and other students gathered and played hockey in memory of Justin

Justin Brian Leslie as many of you know died on Friday January 10, 2003 due to a snowmobile accident on a trail off of Elm Street in Springvale. I know Justin will never be forgotten but i made this site for the people that will never get to know him. and hopefully i will have a collage of pictures soon. Justin was born on May 3, 1985 here in Sanford to his loving his parents Bonnie and Larry Leslie. Justin was a senior here at Sanford High School, an honor student, captain of the hockey team and soccer teams, a member of the track team and just an all around respectful guy. Justin was also member of The National Honor Society, and was a volenteer coach for a youth soccer legue. He had chosen to pre-enlist for a medical career in The U.S. Army.

Justin touched everyone he met in one way or another, student and teachers. Everyone knew of him. He was one of those rare kids that didnt care who you were with or who he was with he would say hi, and no matter how bad of a day he was having he would go out of his way to make yours better. My sympathy goes out to all of those who were great friends or a relative of Justin, He was a great guy. The saddest part of the whole thing is that noone else will ever get to meet him and know how great of a guy he was. All he knew was Sanford High and he never got to experience anything else. He loved life and lived it up the most he could. He gave a lot of people the courage to go on, and apreciated everyday he was alive. Justin attended every sporting event he could that he was not in, and always lead the crowd in cheers. He had the most school spirit out of anyone i know and will always be Mr. School Spirit

This site is deticated to Justin Leslie for all he has done for everyone, He will always be remembered. R.I.P. 5/03/85-1/10/03

-Jason Gauthier-