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Judas Cradle
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march 08 @ 09:19

Alright, I've taken the last resort. In order to simply keep this page in existance, It's now being hosted on Angelfire. Since the only computer I have access to at current time is at school, I have no FTP access. For now I'd better get used to pop-ups and banners. Goody goody.

I feel like I'm really behind on all this crap I want to do. This page ought to be more than it is now, I should be using Linux, I should be learning C/C++, etc. Josh is doing well it seems, with the Moon Road thing going up. I often admire the things he has done. I also want eventually work with World Forge within a short time. They are composed entirely of freelance programmers, writers, artists, etc. that are working on a freely distributed massivly multiplayer online game. All their tools and progress is given to allow anybody that wants to to develop a game of their own if they want. Game programming is some of the most difficult and most technical programming you can do, and it's something I'd like to give a try. Of course, printing out "Hello World" and creating playable games is worlds apart. I'll get there eventually.

In any case, I'm going to get this running again.

c u r r e n t
  • Porn vs. Army
  • Linux on PS2
  • Color of Space
  • Star Wars guitars

    Time to Kill

  • Xiao Xiao
  • Inklink
  • Happy Elven Hoe-Down

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