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(Kali returns to the stage.)
Kali Rose - And now, here to present the award for the best feud of 2004, please welcome Jax and Susan Ward!
(As the 2 divas make their way out from the back, a huge ovation breaks out and the men whistle and shout cheers.)
Jax - Ladies and gentlemen, we have seen some amazing rivalries in 2004 and a lot of controversy! The feuds are one of the things that keep all the fans watching, waiting to see what's going to happen next!
Susan Ward - And we some of the best feuds, the ones that have kept us all on the edge of our seats, have been selected as nominees for the best ICW feud of 2004. Those nominees are... Jason Lansing and Jake Bones...
Jax - Tajiri and Maniak...
Susan Ward - HBK and Bret Hart...
Jax - And HBK and Wolf!
Susan Ward - And the winners are...
(Everyone waits in silence as Jax opens the envelope...)
Jax & Susan Ward - BRET HART AND HBK!!!
(A huge ovation breaks out as the two winners make their way up to the stage. The screams get even louder as HBK and Bret stand face to face for the first time in a very long time with their awards in hand. Finally, Bret stands back and motions for HBK to take the mic first.)
HBK - Well, it seems as if I was nominated for Best Feud of the year, alongside Bret Hart, and all I can say, is that feud may have been one of my most favorites. Not because of my hate for Bret, but because I got the chance to entertain the fans. That feud was one of the greatest in ICW's history, and I know it is going to go down as one of the greats. You all should look forward to what The Heartbreak Kid has instore for 2005.
(The audience cheers as HBK leaves the stage and Bret steps up to the mic.)
Bret "Hitman" Hart - You know, I am honored to win this award with HBK. Not because I like him, but because he is the most worthy opponent I've ever faced. I'm going to tell you all one thing right now, if you enjoyed this feud, get ready, because after I win tonight's battle royal and go on to win the match at Endurance, it's gonna be Bret Hart vs. HBK once again, but this time it's gonna be for the World Title! I have fought long and hard to get through anger management just for that moment, and I guarantee it will come through. For now, I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me and conclude by saying that I won that feud!
(The audience laughs as Bret grins and holds up the Insanity Award. He leaves the stage and once again, Kali returns from the opposite direction.)
Kali Rose - Ladies and gentlemen, the next award is for best ICW champion of 2004, and I am honored to get to present it myself! There are some incredible nominees in this category and no matter who wins, they are all deserving of this award! Without further ado, the nominees for the best ICW Champion in 2004 are... HBK...
Kali Rose - Jake Bones...
Kali Rose - Tajiri...
Kali Rose - Lita...
Kali Rose - Firefox...
Kali Rose - Wolf...
Kali Rose - And Prodigy...
Kali Rose - And the winner is...
(Again, a silence of suspence falls over the audience as Kali opens the envelope.)
Kali Rose - LITA!!!
(There is a standing ovation as Lita makes her way up to the stage and accepts the award from Kali. Lita is very emotional, almost in tears.)
Lita - (Lita looks at her title, then looks to the audience.) Wow. I can't believe out of all these people, that I was chosen. First of all, I have to, and want to, thank all the fans of ICW. If it wasn't for yuo, I would not have the heart to come out here and do what I do day in and day out. Don't get me wrong, I had great competition. All of the nominees were best champion in their own rights. But I was the one the fans chose, I will be forever thankful. (Lita raises her title in one hand, then raises her Insanity Award in the other as a tear streams down her cheek.
(As Lita finishes her speach, ICW referees Chris Edwards and Dale Bishops are highlighted under a spotlight on the other side of the stage.)
Chris Edwards - Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to present the award for the biggest shocker of 2004. The nominees are...
Dale Bishops - Tajiri betrays Wolf...
Chris Edwards - Smokey returns...
Dale Bishops - Tajiri and Maniak are brothers...
Chris Edwards - Wolf dies in the ring...
Dale Bishops - Bret Hard kidnaps Firefox...
Chris Edwards - And Michael Lansing takes over ICW as Jason Lansing...
Dale Bishops - And the winner is...
(Dale struggles with the envelope and the audience sits on the edge of their seats. As he finally gets it open, the two referees look at each other before announcing the winner.)
Referees - WOLF'S DEATH!!!
(As the audience stays somewhat quiet at this announcement, the announcers voice is heard again...)
Announcer - Ladies and gentlemen, Wolf could not be here tonight. Accepting on his behalf is ICW owner, Smokey!
(Smokey gets a loud ovation as he makes his way our from the back.)
Smokey - (Smokey takes the award before speaking.) I am accepting this award on behalf of Wolf. Would could not be here this evening but he s with us...among us. After he was injured, pronounced dead, he walked. He is back in this game. We don't know how or why, but we know he is. So on behalf of Wolf, I acept this award for the biggest shocker. I will leave you fans with a single question. Was the shocker the death of Wolf?...or was it that the Wolfman lives? (The crowd erupts as Smokey raises Wolf's award. He walks off back to his seat.)
(Once again, we hear the voice of the announcer.)
Announcer - Ladies and gentlemen, after the break, the awards for best tag team, best staff member and best stable 0f 2004!!! Stay tuned for more of the first annual ICW Insanity Awards!!!