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aussiegraph2.gif (11794 bytes)                    earlylogo.jpg (9500 bytes)                    Iankangarootrans.gif (12883 bytes)


Some Advertising and Print From Australia's Early Years 1940 - 1970.

Images enhanced by Aussie Graphics

saltbill.jpg (29019 bytes)

savebank.jpg (30439 bytes)



goldcircle.jpg (7558 bytes)

cornflwr.jpg (19014 bytes)

metters.jpg (19510 bytes)

mynor.jpg (25758 bytes)

Images enhanced by Aussie Graphics


onka.jpg (16481 bytes)

stamina.jpg (16574 bytes)

lucas.jpg (22695 bytes)



tek.jpg (19722 bytes)

stonyfell.jpg (19628 bytes)

post.jpg (17715 bytes)

Images enhanced by Aussie Graphics


pelaco.jpg (11633 bytes)

skrip.jpg (16775 bytes)

radiola.jpg (15924 bytes)



quantas.jpg (5981 bytes)

bushells2.jpg (7400 bytes)

fatty finn.jpg (19952 bytes)



beer1.jpg (14483 bytes)

beer2.jpg (9445 bytes)



beer3.jpg (10322 bytes)

match.jpg (8080 bytes)

corsets.jpg (9796 bytes)



billyt.jpg (20850 bytes)

lager.jpg (8947 bytes)

stafford.jpg (10010 bytes)



oatmeal.jpg (17053 bytes)

oldtins.jpg (9514 bytes)


If you have any early advertising or print that you would like to see presented on this site please drop me a line. I need any early advertising or print that I can find to make this site as interesting as possible.

  10em04c.gif (28322 bytes) Contact Ian

arrow005.gif (2953 bytes) Back To Signs & Icons                                                                                                Homehome1.gif (8283 bytes)