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Hello there, I know you might not know me now(Unless you are a friend from my school), but I hope after seeing my webpage you would know some things about me. My name is Irving Arenas, I am 17 yrs. old, I attend Grandville High School, and I am also a Senior(Class of 2003). As you might see right now, I LOVE soccer. I have played soccer since I was 5 yrs. old because is just plain fun and "stuff". I also like to wrestle because is very physical demanding. I just love challanges.

Some day, I would like to be one of the many astronauts that would go to space in the future.(That's if we still have the Space Shuttle Program after knowing what happened to "Columbia.") I would love to be in space inside the Space Shuttle with my partners, doing experiments in space, and looking down at our beautiful Earth.

That's enough about that. Let's move to another subject. Let's talk about SOCCER.

For those people that are interested in soccer, I have found some pretty cool sites that contain information, and pictures about the past 2002 World Cup. If you want to take a look at them, go down to the links section.

