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The future of sportfishing is in your hands.
Pass it on!

Practice Catch & Release


Some fish are far too valuable to be caught only once.
 Many angler's now take only what they need for food and release the rest of their catch unharmed.

This is called "catch and release" and it helps to keep enough fish in the rivers and lakes for everyone to fish for.


Here are several tips 
for practicing a successful 
catch and release. 

1. After landing the fish, try to keep it in the water as much as possible.

Try to avoid removing the fish from the water. 

Do not let fish flop about in shallow water, on the ground, or in the bottom of your boat.

2. Use wet hands or wet cloth gloves to handle the fish.

Fish have a slime coating, which seals out infection. 
Rough handling can destroy this protection.

Keep your fingers out of and away from the gills and eyes. 

 Never squeeze the fish. 

Fish can not remain healthy out of water for longer than you can hold your breath.
Picture running a 4-minute mile, then someone sticks your head under water and tells you hold your breath.
This is what a fish goes through after a fight at the end of a line.

3. Remove the hook from the fish's mouth. If the hook is deep in the throat and cannot be removed easily, cut the line. The hook will usually dissolve or fall out later.

4. Have your partner take a picture of you and your catch.

Make sure the camera is ready and film is loaded before boating the fish. Nothing puts more stress on a fish than “sunbathing” on the deck, waiting for a slow poke to ready a camera. When the camera is ready, then lift the fish from the water and snap the shots you need and release the fish immediately.

5. Release the fish back into the water -

never throw it.

 Once a fish has been landed, quickly turn the fish upside down and more times than not the fish will immediately become disoriented and cease struggling. Removing the hook becomes a great deal easier and the fish is left in much better condition for the release to follow.

Point your catch into a slow current, or gently move it back and forth until its gills are working properly and it maintains its balance. When the fish recovers and attempts to swim away, let it swim from your hands.

Large fish may take some time to revive. 

Watch your fish swim away. 

It is a great feeling and you know others will have the opportunity to catch and have as much fun as you did!



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please feel free to Email me

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