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This blindness information page is brought to you by "The Dragon Master" and ""

Here are descriptions and links to information and resources about blindness and living with it successfully.

We will start with the largest and most productive consumer based organization of blind people anywhere in the world. The National Federation of the Blind has been around since 1940. It was formed by blind citizens of the United States in Willkes Barre, Pennsylvania to influence the law makers in Congress to open the Social Security System to the blind of America and to train, educate and motivate the blind community to become first-class citizens. One of the most important aspects of this organization of blind people is to inform and educate the public and especially, employers and law makers that it is "respectable to be blind".

There are affiliates of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) in every state, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. and a sister organization in Canada. With over 50,000 members, the NFB is setting out to open the job market, the technology arena and the education of our children.

In addition to the State affiliates, there are over 50 separate divisions of the NFB which cater to the various interests of the population. Divisions such as blind Attorneys, Blind Teachers, Blind State Workers, Blind computer users and even Blind Equestrians.

For more information about the National Federation of the Blind and what we are all about, go to the following link:

The National Federation of the Blind


The National Federation of the Blind publishes a monthly newsletter with over 50,000 copies distributed each month. It is full of articles written by blind people, new legislation and proposed laws. It has recipes, and tells the story of living with blindness and the struggles to become first class citizens.

It is available at the NFB website or by going directly here:

The NFB Publications Page

There are also books available at this sight. Books on living with blindness. Books on becoming a competent, contributing citizen of the community. There is also one of the best magazines on Diabetes management and care in the world. It is a publication of the Diabetic’s Division of the NFB and is titled "Voice of the Diabetic".

There is also a magazine dedicated to the education and support of parents of blind children. Called ""Future Reflections", it is the best publication around on the subject. All these are available at the above link.

Here is a brief description of the "Braille Monitor", the monthly publication of the NFB: taken from the NFB website:

The Braille Monitor is the voice of the National Federation of the Blind

The Braille Monitor is the leading publication of the National Federation of the

Blind (NFB). It is produced monthly and is available in large print, in Braille,

on cassette tape, or in e-mail formats. The Braille Monitor is read by the

blind, their friends and families, teachers, employers, rehabilitation workers,

legislators, vendors of products for the blind, and anyone interested in

learning more about blindness.

The Braille Monitor covers the events and activities of the National Federation

of the Blind and addresses the many issues and concerns of the blind. It offers

a positive philosophy about blindness to both blind readers and the public at

large, serves as a vehicle for advocacy and protection of civil rights,

addresses social concerns affecting the blind, discusses issues relating to

employment, education, legislation, and rehabilitation, provides news of

technology and aids and appliances used by the blind, and features many of the

leading blind persons in the country.

The National Federation of the Blind is working to change what it means to be

blind and the Braille Monitor is one way in which we are accomplishing our goal.

With each issue of the Braille Monitor the reader comes to learn and understand

that the blind, through the actions and philosophy of the National Federation of

the Blind, are living successful and independent lives.

Copies of the Monitors from 1987 to the present are included in this directory.

Eleven issues of the Monitor are published each year.



To see the "Braille Monitor" for ;yourself, go here:

The Braille Monitor


The NFB also provides a publication center for copies in Braille, Cassette tape and large print of various articles, presentations, speeches and special notices of importance. These are available at the following link, as well.

The NFB Publication Center


One thing we all need as blind people is the availability of specialized aids and devices to make our lives easier and more convenient. Also, to assist us in being productive and competitive in the job market. The NFB has an entire section of the building filled with such stuff. Most can be ordered directly on line. Or just a call away. Here is the link to the NFB’s Materials Center and the Aids and Devices:



Training and adjustment facilities

In the sighted world, we, the blind, need to get specialized training in the specific skills needed to be competitive, competent and productive. There are a number of these facilities available across the country. Some oare good, some are not so good. The following list is based on the experience of someone, me, who needed the training, got it, and is living well as a competitive, competent and well-adjusted blind guy. These are, by no means, the only facilities available, but in the opinion of this blind person, they are the best.

Here is the list:

The Iowa Department for the Blind:

Located in Des Moines, Iowa, is a complete facility for training, support services, rehabilitation and library services. Devices are also available through their Aids and Devices Department. Here is the link:



If you live or work in Iowa and are in need of services.  You are eligible for assistance from the Iowa Department for the Blind.  Contact Field Operations at:

The Iowa Department for the Blind

524 Fourth Street

Des Moines Iowa  51354


Call toll free in Iowa:  (800) 362-2587


For a complete list of support, training and rehabilitation services available in your state, go here:

Every State has an agency, some more than one, for the rehabilitation of the blind. For a list of the agencies available in your state, here is the link:



The American Council of the Blind (ACB)


The American Council of the Blind (ACB) is also a national organization for support of the blind.  They have chapters in all 50 states and provide information, resources and education to the blind and those involved with the blind.


Here is the link to their Website:


the American Council of the Blind


The Siouxland Informational Group for the Blind

The Siouxland Informational Group for the Blind (SIG-B) is a local support, information and resource group of blind people in Sioux City, Iowa.  We have a newly designed and published websight for your information and enjoyment.  Check it out here:


Some sights of interest to those who happen to be blind, or even, for those who like something different:

The "Speak to Me" on line catalog.

Offers talking novelties, equipment, aids, devices and tools to amuse, assist and produce:

Speak to me on-line catalog


The Audio Bible Page for the Blind:

Audio file narrations of the entire Bible. Wonderful for daily devotions. Needs RealAudio to access. A link to download the player is here, too:


This page of "" is sponsored by The Siouxland Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa. We are a local chapter of the National Federation of the Blind with around 15 members. The National Federation of the Blind Of Iowa is one of the 52 State Affiliates with over 250 members scattered across the state. We are Located in Sioux City, Iowa and meet each fourth Saturday of the month at various locations in our community. We have members from three states, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota since we are located at the junction of three rivers and three states.

If you would like more information on our chapter, our organization, or just to say "hello" contact us by sending mail to the Dragon Master. You know the drill, just click on this link:


Be sure to check out our fun stuff at the Dragon’s Gallery. Sign our Guest Book, Enjoy a favorite quote or two and get in touch with members of this fine group of dedicated, innovative, perceptive and extremely friendly blind folk…

Go to the Gallery now:


P.S.  Let me know what you think of this service-related page. Go back to the home page, the one at "Welcome to the Dragon’s lair" and give the Dragon master a note of interest. We care what you think and love to hear from our visitors. Go to the Welcome Page now:


Have a wonderful day!

Take care and be well,

The Dragon Master at

The Dragon’s Lair and

Gregory A. Hanson

Mail to:
