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Spanx for comin to my website ... it's under construction right now .. but feel free to brows around and so on and so forth .. eventually i will have a member's only area so you'll have to check back and sign up when it's up and running .. anyways .. spanx again!

Febuary 13th, 2003
  • 12:03am - Added member's sign up area and form
  • 2:30am - Member's sign up form not workin correctly.. if you wanna try and sign up, then go ahead ... i'll try to get it workin within the next day or so. thanx for your patience.
  • 1:13pm Added weather button for Allerton on main page

    Febuary 14th, 2003
  • 2:07am Fixed the member sign up form... it's working now so feel free to sign up for a username and password for the members only are.
  • 2:50am Added a guest book

  • Click here to sign-in or sign-up for the member's only area

    Click for Allerton, Iowa Forecast
    current time and temperature for Allerton, Ia.

    View My Guestbook
    Sign My Guestbook