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Citizens for Personal Responsibility

Who are we.

How can I help!

Things that make you say HMMMM!!


Talk about stupid!

The way things aught to be

E-mail circle.

Honesty Morality Common sense Responsibility stupidity

Our Title says it all.

CPR is an organization of hard working Americans working to promote the common sense that our society has lost.  No longer will we stand by and listen to the irrational statements that damage our great nation.  We need to take back our country before we loose it to the lazy and stupid who prey on our good will.  We will attack the political representatives that are supposed to represent our best interest and who only look our for their own.

I recently heard the comment on TV that since Florida has changed its rules on election policy and that now machine counts will not be final until a human count is done and that this change in policy proves that gore had won.

This statement just blew me out of my chair. How could anyone say that.  How could they get on TV and say that?  Did we all forget that we went to machine counts because Human Bias and interpretation Flawed our ability to be even remotely as accurate as the machine.  That is the moment that I decided to get off my butt and do something about this. 

CPR will fight stupidity.  Defend the Innocent. Inform the Uninformed.


Please pass this page on to your friends.  Help us get this nation back on track.  It is important for us all to remember that it was the Hard working that made this country great and the lazy and uninformed that will bring us all down.


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Our motto:  "It's Too Bad Ignorance Isn't Painful"


You can Help.  Send any donation you can to our webmaster. Payable to:

Jeff A Thompson 13825 Avalon Rd. Winter Garden Florida 34787




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