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Our Mission

1. To provide and encourage members to be active in their testimony and Christian witness to all motorcyclists,

2. To provide a Christian fellowship ride group,

3. To provide an evangelistic association for Christian motorcyclists.

Links to Iowa based groups:

Click on an entry to view more information about the group:
Chariots of Faith (Central & S.W. Iowa)
Iowa Crossroad Riders (Des Moines area)
Maranatha Riders (Northwest Iowa)
Rapture Riders (Northern Iowa)
Knights for Christ(Northeast Iowa)
Second Mile Riders (Western Iowa)
Soul Patrol (Southeast Iowa)
Southwest Iowa Christian Riders (Southwest Iowa)
Thunder and Light (Southeast Iowa)

Links to other CMA groups:

Click on an entry to view more information about the group:
United States CMA
Canada CMA
United Kingdom

Links to other Christian Motorcyclist Groups:

Click on an entry to view more information about the group:
Christian Motorcycle Club Database

Contact Information:

Regional Evangelist: Roger & Rayleen Wilson
State Coordinator: Cary & Pam Klatt
Regional Representatives: Tony & Bea Roskam

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