A long sentence comes to an end

When you find it easier to say goodbye than say hello you’re always destined to be on the run, on the road but now all I want is to stop, to rest, to be somewhere and call it home, to stop you know, to stop but I can’t and it’s years now, years, always on the run, realising too late that once you start whatever it may be, you can’t just stop, that everything is a potential drug and if you get a taste for running, it soon becomes a need like food, love, sex, sex, air and then that someone comes along and for a moment you stop, you do stop, everything slows down, you think she’s the one but just as quickly, somehow it turns, it turns, and you feel too close, you’ve got too close, trapped and once again, yet again you want to run, you just want to go far away, but you said never again, no more running, but then for a second you forget and suddenly you’re running so fast because its fear, such fear, morning, day, night, always such fear and I have to run, to run so fast from job, from people, from life, just keep running, trying to escape, to run with drink, with writing, with thinking, with working, with everything, but always people, people everywhere, people and I just want to run, but now I’m tired, so tired, and I want to rest, to be with one, but only one, that special one, that someone one who will whisper in my ear on awkward nights, slow down, my love keep calm, everything’s fine, everything’s just as it should be, we’re together, my love, but still the fear for days are numbered and days of old remembered and I feel so tired wanting to find that one that special one, so still I run and run and maybe she will be at the same place I arrive and she will be as I will be and I can love her, and on awkward nights whisper in her ear, it’s all right, slow down, my love, keep calm, everything’s as it should be, we’re together, my love, we’re finally together, everything’s all right and I will know I am right...I will just know everything is right......and I can stop running...... after all these years I can stop running...............knowing that finally I have found her....... the one I was born to love.

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