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  • God

    So, is this the Contract that you want her to sign?

    Who are you kidding? The deal was that she would include a clause, namely to have the deposit paid directly in her brother bank account, instead your crew of unscrupulous lawyers have included to have both of them placed into a coffin and even sell the coffin. They are only and merely selling the house, not themselves, JUNK…

  • Lucifer


  • God:

    In your dreams….

  • Lucifer:

    GRRRRRRRr She will be drugged enough and they will be signing it.

  • God:

    And I am a puppet…

  • Lucifer:

    Why are you helping her?

  • God:

    It is the other way around Lucifer. I am not helping her, she is helping me.

  • Lucifer:

    Helping you?

  • God:

    Absolutely Lucifer, in the quest to win this world, I asked for her help, and she said “Yes, I am yours…”

  • Lucifer:

    So she signed a contract you….?

  • God:

    We do not deal with contracts… Our mutual agreement is very much verbal…

  • Lucifer:

    Then she can break it at any time.

  • God:

    Our contract is unbreakable… I feel like singing… Can I sing to you Lucifer, let me enlighten you on the nature of our CONTRACT… Il nostro anniversario
    Non e` sul calendario
    Perche’ di matrimonio non si parla tra noi due.

    Amore senza nome
    Noi ci chiamiamo AMORE tutti e due.

    Amore senza data
    Ne` carta bollata
    Mia amante, dolce amica, donna mia.

    Noi non chiediamo niente
    Con un contratto non si lega un sogno.

    Did you like it Lucifer? You see Lucifer, it is useless telling her brothers or cousins or priests that you will be the SCENDILETTO DOVE CAMMINI TU. You may fool them but not Me or her. If you treated her so astonishingly horribly this last ten to twelve years (namely your devastating DEFAMATION) while you didn`t even know her, imagine if she is going to be your wife, what you would be doing to her. She will never break our CONTRACT.

    Anyway, she has a message for a person that she saw crying in her dream.

  • Lucifer:

    A person crying for her? Everybody hates her. It is a well known fact.

  • God:

    Yes, Lucifer. A person that she saw crying for her when you all decided to start the SLOW KILLING… namely the day it was announced in a church Sermon that if the fig doesn`t bear fruit we will have to cut it down, about a month ago or so, today being 22/4/2007.

  • Lucifer:

    Well what is the message?

  • God:

    She wants that person to know that that person shouldn`t cry for her because she can look after herself. Just as Claire was able to withstand the Saracens without any special help from anyone, so will she. Claire`s answer was “If God is with us, nobody can possibly hurt us. We`ll have all the protection that we need.”


  • Chapter 28

    Back to chapter 26a
