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  • God

    So you have become a DOCTOR now? Or should I say you became a DOCTOR 10years ago?

  • Lucifer

    What are you blabbering about?

  • God:

    I do not blabber. You are entering her house through the window, then open her bedroom door from the inside and allow the good doctor or should I say some mercenary junk who go around calling themselves doctors and inject her… VIAGRA, DRUGS, SLEEPING DOSES AND WANDER AROUND FOR TITLE DEEDS. And you have been doing this for quite a while now.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    YOU ARE SICK… She is minding her own business, not bugging anyone. She looks only for work and prepares lessons. If that is what you call sick… This world is really cooked.

  • Lucifer:

    She doesn`t go to any job?

  • God:

    That is because there are no jobs there. There are only PSYCHIATRIST READY TO MEET HER AND TO HAVE A CHAT OR TWO.

  • Lucifer:

    She has got to confess.

  • God:

    Yes we know you involved the priests of LA SANTA CHIESA ROMANA… She has to confess what you want to hear.

  • Lucifer:

    She will have to talk on those machines that make people say the truth…

  • God:

    Firstly, there are no such machines which make you tell the truth… the only machine which can know whether a person says the truth or not IT IS ME.

  • Lucifer:

    The police nowadays have wonderful machines…

  • God:

    If they had such wonderful machines… by now you and your allies would be in the DEEPEST PRISON… FOR YOU are the hugest lyers that the whole wide world has ever seen.

  • Lucifer:

    I am not the one who did the wrong thing here.

  • God:

    O really. I guess that this book has not been clear enough about the junk you do to small businesses, to client of yours, the way you f… your secretaries and so on and so on… refer to chapter 13 and 14… and the first couple of chapters… o why don`t you read all of them… this book is all about you building your BABEL TOWER… with your well SAVOIR FAIRE.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Coming back to this machines… they are computers…. And we all know what computers do. You put junk you receive junk. The computer is controlled by the genius behind it… This way you can make anyone say anything you want…. And it is okay , because with this new technology you can put in jail an innocent just at the touch of a button.

  • Lucifer:

    Well, that is how we deal in this world.

  • God:

    Well, that is not the world I created. And I certainly do not like what has become of it.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Is this how you killed her mother…?

  • Lucifer:

    I haven`t…

  • God:

    Yes you have. Her mother had a brilliant mind. Although she had done only two years of school, she could read and write and understand and explain every thing she read… she even read “I PROMESSI SPOSI” of Manzoni…. A book that students struggle to study at University. She read it many times, and was able to explain it better than A PROFESSOR… A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. …. However in the last eight months… she became demented… I wonder why? Did you involve the good doctors, to come,. Open her house, and while she was sitting peacefully and having a little sleep… in they went… the INJECTIONS…. YOU DOPED HER MOTHER…. TILL SHE COULDN`T UNDERSTAND A THING ANYLONGER. Shall we go from the start?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Let`s recap the explanation you gave to the authorities…

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

  • Authorities:

    Why are you doing this? What do you have against these people?

  • You:

    They have got the money…. We started when her brother received the superannuation. We wanted it. We were trying to convince him to throw it back into the Government pools. But then there was her, and she was in the middle… and she would let us do what we wanted….

  • Authorities:

    Go on…

  • You:

    You know we need the money . The Government needs the money. These people have it… What can they possibly do with it?

  • Authorities:

    Why them?

  • You:

    Why not? We just pulled them up out of the hat….

  • Authorities:

    Go on…

  • You:

    Then she came to me… She was on workers compensation … and she wanted me to find her a lawyer to help her re-gain her teaching job… but the District Superintendent … well you know…? They too thought … she had money… Her money was more important to us.

  • Authorities:

    Go on…

  • You:

    But she figured it out…. So we had to starte with her married brother… you know? We needed an insider… We had to make him hate her… And all her family…. They were so close… It has been so hard. But now she is on her own… Nobody cares anymore… Her brothers are helping us… They do not know what our real intentions are. They are so naïve. We`ve got them now… We can`t stop now… We`ve built a very nice story… We only need to have her in front of that machine… and we all are going to say she is a lyer. We`ve got them.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    And all the proof that she has put on her web page from chapter 1 to chapter 26 means nothing to authorities, Sydney people, World people?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Last night you started to f….g again…. Sort of saying…. I have been questioned but I got away with it again… I am f….g you again.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    And then the good little nurse enters from the window, door, key hole…. You name it…. The point is this morning she found out she had been given THREE INJECTIONS ALL OVER AGAIN… Why don`t you plant drugs in her house? WHY DON`T YOU GIVE HER AN AIDS DOSE. I mean … you can do anything you want, can`t you?

  • Lucifer:


  • Chapter 26a

    Back to chapter 25
