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  • God:

    Oh, the saga of the clients? Have you meddled with this one as well?

  • Lucifer:

    GRRRRRRRRRRRr How does she know?

  • God:

    Easy. She went to check the saved emails that she sent to them, when she was advising them of this and that. And somehow in her email boxes, there is nothing saved any longer.

  • Lucifer:

    So we erased all the evidence that she ever advised them.

  • God:

    She told them by way of words and by showing and giving them documentation.

  • Lucifer:

    Who is going to believe in her? We will keep on saying that she is a lyer.

  • God:

    What you are forgetting is that she doesn`t just save in her email boxes, she also saves, copying and pasting in a separate disks. Greek, she has got all the emails she sent them, ALL OF THEM. She checked last night.

  • Lucifer:

    How did she found out?

  • God:

    Number 1, you erased her important emails, and that alone would have alarmed her. Because you see, although she already knows that you receive first all her emails and then forward whichever you like, to whoever you like, (sort of say, "can this person do what I want? yes. Let`s send it to him.") she really doesn`t want to believe, that this could happen, especially in her PAID email box. But she does have suspicions that you do that, so, she checked. She had saved all emails which she sent to them in the email boxes, but now they are all erased. Nothing there any longer. And number two, the silly idea of what you cooked up this time... She doesn`t want to go into this, ...yet... but it was very silly...

    Why didn`t you just say "Tell her that you are giving the business to me and that is it... that is all she has got to know".

    After all Greek, she knows you are doing these things... so it would have been no surprise to her... no surprise whatsoever. I mean, the way she doesn`t get paid, the way the invoice keeps on getting lost... Silly things...

    Every thing points out that you are in it.

    Why Greek, didn`t you order them to say the truth such as "We don`t want you, that is it. Get lost. We want the Greek."

    After all, this is the way you did with that Italian restaurant in Bondi. Remember, when she was told to go on Monday to collect the work because she had been given the job, and then, when she went there to collect the work, nobody was there at 9am. And when she called in the afternoon to find out why the appointment was not kept, the boss, the wonderful Italian Restaurant man of Bondi said "you have to speak to my secretary" an irish one or so. And when she spoke to her she gave her the "We asked you to come tomorrow, that is the next day, you didn`t show up, therefore, there you lost the job". I mean that was nice and neat, wasn`t? Why didn`t you do the same?

  • Lucifer:

    Because we want to nail her.

  • God:

    As I explained previously Greek, she doesn`t do all the work. They do part of it. Namely, they collect the money, they buy their equipment. She only deals with the invoices given, and if the invoices are wrong, there is no way for her to find out. She can tell them, this is what you should do, about your cash, and about the stock. But at the end of the day, if they do not want to listen, because you are intimating them not to, then the problem remains with them. She is an external bookkeeper and she only can account by what she is given, namely, bank statements, invoices.

    But Greek, she has got emails advising them, again and again that certain things had to be done, in a certain legal way...they knew... they were advised... She has got all the emails sent to them to prove it.

    Greek, tell them that they can give you their work, their business, she doesn`t really care any longer...

    She is used to this ups and downs, and telephone not answering, and messages not being returned, and invoice being lost.

    She knows your games. And she doesn`t care any longer. It has been going on for ten years. No sweat.

  • Lucifer:

    So why she keeps on writing?

  • God:

    You haven`t understood? This is the book of evidence, Lucifer. Every thing you do, she will put it on here, no matter how disgusting it is.


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