Hi, I'm Willa, also known as Radish and Teshura to some people. Trust me, you're better off not asking about the Radish nickname. I welcome you to my page, but I warn you that people with heart problems, and weak constitutions may not wish to proceed any further. I have many varied interests, and will provide you with a semi-detailed list of them. First is my family and my friends.  Also included will be a page that's dedicated to the interesting times that I've had with my best friend Ashlea.  View it only if you want to be scared or laugh your ass off.  Then there's the subject that is the closest to my heart, Judaism.   I'm a graduate of Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA, and now I'm living in my favorite city in the world--San Francisco!  I majored in religion and loved it.  The religion department at Coe was wonderful and very supportive of their students.  As many of you know, I wrote my senior honors thesis on feminist theology in Orthodox and Reform Judaism.  For those of you who are interested, you may read it here. You'll also find sections on my favorite music groups and movies. If you're feeling adventurous or, like me trying to avoid studying, here's a list of links to some of my favorite sites. So enjoy your time here, and don't forget to sign the guestbook to let me know you've been here.  It makes me feel important that people actually bother to visit my site, or something like that, anyway.  You can also send me e-mail at sapphireblueangel@hotmail.com.

Pictured with me here is my dog Izzy, and for those who don't already know, she's my baby. Unfortunately, I can't have pets where I live now, so she's at home with my parents. *pout* I miss her terribly, but at least I get to see her when I go home.

Please bear with me for the time being. This page is continually under construction, and new stuff will be added whenever I get a chance.

My Guestbook