Genealogy Data Page 2 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Brown, Mary B. (b. APR 1894, d. 26 MAR 1980)

Source: (Name)
Title: Henry Seymour document
Media: Book

Note: 1999
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1900 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Media: Book
Page: 132b
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1900 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Media: Book
Census: Date: 1900
Place: Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Reference: 21
Note: Per Henry Seymour, Mary was of Irish descent.

One source lists her year of birth as 1894 instead of 1899.

Listed in 1900 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama, with her widowed mother, as Mary V. Brown, age 6, born April 1894 in AL

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King, Francis Thomas (b. 1844, d. 1928)
Source: (Name)
Title: Henry Seymour document
Media: Book

Note: 1999
Source: (Death)
Title: Henry Seymour
Media: Book
Census: Date: 1880
Place: Baldwin County, Alabama
Census: Date: 1900
Place: Baldwin County, Alabama
Census: Date: 1920
Place: Baldwin County, Alabama
Source: (Individual)
Title: Bureau of Land Management
Media: Book
Event: Type: Land
Date: 28 NOV 1900
Place: Homestead Certificate 16523, 159.97 acres, Baldwin County, Alabama
Reference: 22
Note: In the 1880 census, Frank was listed as a border in the home of Ambres Mitchem and his job was working in turpentine. [from Henry Seymour book]

The census record for Baldwin County AL in 1900 shows there is a son called Benjamin Littles and an Aunt Lucretia Boon living with Frank. Benjamin was Sarah's son from a previous marriage. The relationship to Lucretia Boon isn't clear - it is possible that she was Sarah's aunt and that Sarah's sister Lucretia Silcox was named after her. [from Henry Seymour book]

In the 1920 census for Baldwin County AL, he stated he was 77 years old. That would make his birth year 1843. [from Henry Seymour book]

From Bureau of Land Management, document # 16523, homestead certificate for 159.97 acres of land in Baldwin County, AL. Legal description: N half of the NE quarter and the E half of the NW quarter of Sec 13 in Township 2 N of Range 3 E of St Stephen's Meridian in Alabama. (Copy of original certificate is in my files)

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King, Neal Bruce (b. 23 NOV 1915, d. 24 NOV 2000)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Henry Seymour document
Media: Book

Note: 1999
Source: (Birth)
Title: The Monroe Journal, Obituary of Bush King
Media: Book
Source: (Death)
Title: The Monroe Journal, Obituary of Bush King
Media: Book
Page: pg. 8C, Thursday, December 7, 2000
Reference: 23
Note: Neal Bruce was called "Bush" as a child and not liking his name of Neal Bruce, he used Bush as his legal name throughout his life.

The Monroe Journal, Thursday, December 7, 2000, pg 8c -
"Bush King - Johnson Quimby Funeral Home, Atmore. Bush King, 85, died Friday, November 24, 2000, in Bay Minette (Alabama).
He was born in Monroe County at Mount Pleasant on Nov. 23, 1915, to the late F.H. and Mary Brown King.
Mr. King was retired from F.H. King & Sons Lumber Co. and was a resident of William F. Green State Veterans Administration Home.
Services were held Monday, Nov. 27, at 10 a.m. from First Baptist Church of Atmore. Bro. Kelly Brown and Bro. Tom Snyder officiated, and burial with full military honors was in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife, Lucille Davis King of Atmore; two brothers, Henderson King of Repton and Hugo King of Crestview, FL; five sisters, Hannis Cumbie of Chrysler, Ann K. McDonald of Bay Minette, Gene K. Myles of Mobile, Brunette K. Wolfe of Huntsville, and Mazie K. Kadley of Atmore; and several nieces and nephews.
Donations may be made to the R&R Building Fund at First Baptist Church of Atmore."

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Davis, Lucille (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 24

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King, Hugo Hampton (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 25

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King, Mary Hanis (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 26

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King, Henderson (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 27

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King, Annie Mae (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 28

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Shumack, Barbara Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 29

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King, Scotty (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 30

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King, Sarah Deanna (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 31

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King, Dylan Thomas (b. Private, d. ?)
Reference: 32

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Presley, Regina (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 33

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King, Nicole (b. Private, d. ?)
Reference: 34

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King, Nicholas (b. Private, d. ?)
Reference: 35

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Robertson, Steve (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 36

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Broughton, Nathaniel (b. 1768, d. 1852)
Source: (Name)
Title: Pedigree Resource File, CD#4
Author: Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints
Media: Electronic
Source: (Birth)
Title: Herbert "Hub" Broughton
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: Broughton records
Media: Book

Note: Monroe County Public Library, Monroeville, Monroe County, Alabama
Page: pg. 6
Source: (Individual)
Title: Mary Barnes
Media: Book

Note:, 6525 Deane Hill Dr #20, Knoxville TN 37919
Religion: Date: 27 JUL 1839
Place: Listed as member of Old Salem Church, Monroe County, Alabama
Event: Type: Migrated
Date: ABT. 1816
Place: Migrated to Monroe County, Alabama
Source: (Individual)
Title: Broughton records
Media: Book

Note: Monroe County Public Library, Monroeville, Monroe County, Alabama
Event: Type: Migrated
Date: BET. 1810 - 1814
Place: From South Carolina to Green County, Georgia
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1830 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Media: Family Archive CD
Census: Date: 1830
Place: Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Census: Date: 1810
Place: Federal Census, Sumter County, South Carolina
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1840 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Media: Census
Census: Date: 1840
Place: Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama
Census: Date: 1850
Place: Federal Census, Green County, Mississippi
Reference: 37
Note: [From notes obtained at Monroe County Public Library] In 1791, Nath'l Broughton bought at auction 350 acres of land which his father, Edward, had lost. The land had been lost as a result of a suit brought against Edward by John Chestnut and Co in April 1789 in Camden District. This was land originally granted to Edward in 1773 and 1785. Nath'l later sold the land to John Harkness in 1800. 28 Dec 1816, Christopher Colliuet applied with Nath'l to John B. Lores in State of AL to supply merchandise.

1830 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama, pg. 45b-46a, line 6 lists:
Nathaniel Broughton with
1 white male < 5 yr
1 white male 10-15 yr
1 white male 50-60 yr
1 white female 5-10 yr
1 white female 15-20 yr
1 white female 40-50 yr
1 white female 50-60 yr
total number in household 17 indicating total slaves of 10

1840 Federal Census, Monroe County, Alabama, pg 228a, lists:
Nath'l Broughton, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 70-80, 1 fem 5-10, 1 fem 10-15, 1 fem 30-40, 1 fem 40-50, 1 fem 50-60

1850 Federal Census, Green County, Mississippi, listed with his grandson, Nathaniel E. Broughton, age 23. Nath'l was 82.

[From Supplemental Issue, The Monroe Journal, Thursday, 1 May 1969, pg. 14]
Nathaniel Broughton, my great-great-grandfather, was born in Charleston, SC, and served in the American Revolution under General Marion.
He married Miss Benbow of Charleston and moved to Monroe County in the early part of the nineteenth century. He purchased land from John O'Givynne [sic], Sr., in the community known as the Ridge. Their home was located on the Old Stage Road. They had six children, Edward T., James, Susan, Sarah, Nathaniel, and Charles Broughton.
In 1844, after their children had married, Nathaniel and Sarah sold their home and land to their daughter, Susan Broughton O'Gwynne and moved to Greene County, Miss. They lived here until 1855 when Nathaniel died.
To comply with his will, Sarah Broughton, along with her belongings and slaves, returned to Monroe County. She spent the rest of her life with her daughter, Susan Broughton. Sarah was buried in the Old Ridge Cemetery.
The youngest son of Nathaniel and Sarah, Charles Richard Broughton, was my great-grandfather. He was born in Greene County, Miss., in 1820. In 1839, he married Miss Mary Rebecca Snell and took up residence near Monroeville. By 1860 he owned more land than anyone else in Monroe County."
[continued in Notes for Charles Richard Broughton]

[as transcribed by Hub Broughton]
Filed February 23, 1859

In the name of God amen I Nathaniel Broughton of the county of Green & state of Mississippi being of sound mind and disposing memory do make this my last will & testament hereby revoking all & every will or wills by me heretofore made.

In the first place, I give and commend my soul to the merciful being who formed it and my body to the earth to be decently intered in such manner & form as my friends may deem fit and advisable.

In the second place, I give and bequeath unto Sarah Broughton of the county of Monroe in the state of Alabama all of my negroe slaves to wit, Martha & her three children Anderson, Caroline and Mary together with all my household & kitchen furniture to have & to hold and to use the same during her life. And after her death it is my will & desire that the negro slaves be sold and the proceeds of said slaves equally divided between my two daughters to wit, Sarah Brown & Susan OGwynn and their bodily heirs.

And it is further my desire that my negro slave Henry to be put with a certain negro man named Kiah belonging to Churchwell Jones to learn the carpenter trade until the age of twenty one years of age. At which period of twenty one years I will and desire that said boy Henry should have his freedom. I also will & desire that my mare & colt should be sold and the proceeds of said sale put to interest for the said boy Henry to be paid to him when he arrives at twenty one years.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the 24th day of April AD 1852.

Nathaniel Broughton (seal)
Signed in the presence of
Farquhar McLeod
Walter Denny

By way of Codicil to my last will & testament & in addition to the matters and things contained therein, I will and desire that the negro woman & her three children be sold all in a lot at the time and for the purpose before mentioned. And I hereby appoint Jesse Thames & Washington H. Aladridge to remove the property to Monroe County and to see that the whole of said will be faithfully carried out. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 23rd June 1852. (seal)

State of Mississipi )
Green County ) In the Probate Court of said County July Term 1852.

In the matter of the estate of Nathaniel Broughton, deceased. Personally appeared in open court, Walter Denny, one of the subscribing witnesses to a certain instrument of writing perporting to be the last will & testament of Nathaniel Broughton, late of said county deceased, who having first been duly sworn deposeth & saith that the said Nathaniel Broughton signed, published and declared said instrument as his last will & testement on the 24th day of April A.D. 1852, the day of the date of said instrument in the presence of this deponant & in the presence of Farquhar McLeod the other subscribing witness to said
instrument, that testator was then of sound & disposing mind & memory, twenty one years of age or upwards and that he , desponant , and Farquhar McLeod subscribed & attested said instrument as witness to the signature & publication thereof at the special instance and request and in the presence of said testater & in the presence of each other on the day and year of the date thereof.
Walter Denny

Sworn to & subscribed in open court. attest D.T. McInnis, Clerk

The State of Mississippi ) Green County ) I William C. Denmark, Clerk of the Probate Court of said county of Green & State of Mississippi hereby certify that the foregoing pages from one to three contain a full & perfect transcript of the last will & testament of Nathaniel Broughton dec'd on file in this office & of the probate thereof in this court. Given under my hand & seal of office this 16th day of Feb. A.D. 1859.
Wm. C. Denmark, Clerk

I James Walley, Judge of the Probate Court of the county of Green & State of Mississippi do certify that Wm. C. Denmark whose certificate under the seal of said court which concludes the preceeding transcript was at the date thereof & is the Clerk of Court, duly elected and qualified & that his said certificate & attestation bears his genuine signature & is in due form of law.

Given under my hand & private seal this the 16th day of Feb. 1859.
James Walley (seal)


Transcribed by Herbert W. Broughton (with notes of interest at end of documents)
January 19, 1999 from the Order Books and Inventory Books of Monroe County, Alabama

November 3, 1852 - (Order Book #2, p. 441)
NATH'L BROUGHTON dec'd - Estate of
This day came CHAS. R. BOUGHTON and made application for letters of Administration on the estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd and no objection appearing to said application and he having qualified & entered into Bond in the sum of One thousand eight hundres Dollars with W. H. ALDRIDGE & E. W. ROBERTS as securities, which is hereby approved. It is therefore Ordered and decreed that the said CHAS. R. BROUGHTON be and he is hereby appointed Admr. on the Estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd and that Letters issue accordingly - Ordered that E. W. ROBERTS, L. B. ROBBINS & L. MYERS be and they are hereby appointed appraisers of the Estate of NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd.

November Term 1852 - (Order Book #2, p. 445)
NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd - Estate of
This day came CHAS. R. BROUGHTON & tendered in writing his resignation as Admr of the Estate of NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd. It is therefore Ordered that said resignation be accepted and placed on file. Then came JESSE THAMES and made application for Lettersof Administration on said Estate and no objection appearing to said application and he having qualified & entered into Bond in the sum of Six thousand eight hundred Dollars with C. R. BROUGHTON and E. W. ROBERTS as securities which is hereby approved. It is therefore Ordered & Decreed that said JESSE THAMES be & he is hereby appointed Admr de bonis non on the Estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd and that Letters issue accordingly.

December Term 1853 - (Order Book #2, p. 543)
NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd - Estate of
Ordered that the Inventory of the Estate of NATH'L BROUGHTON dec'd as this day returned by JESSE THAMES Admr be received, recorded & placed on file.

December 12, 1853 - Filed - (Inventory Book "C", p. 88)
A true and perfect inventory of the Estate of NATHL. BROUGHTON, dec'd on this day made by JESSE THAMES, Admr to Wit:
Amt. received of GEORGE CLOTHIER, sheriff of Monroe County, on the case of NATH'L BROUGHTON vs Wm. F. ANDRESS, Dec. 12/53 $486.35

The State of Alabama - Monroe County
Before me, CHAS.H. FOSTER, Judge of Probate of said county personally came JESSE THAMES, Admr on the Estate of NATHL. BROUGHTON, dec'd and made oath that the above is a true and perfect inventory of all the personal property in this State that has come to his possession.
Sworn to & subscribed
December 12th, 1853
C. H. FOSTER, Judge

June Term 1855 - (Order Book #3, p. 99)
NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd - Estate of
Ordered that M. P. STEVENS, W. H. ALDREDGE & C. R. BROUGHTON be & they are hereby appointed appraisers of the Estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd. Ordered that the Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd be received, recorded & placed on file.
This day came JESSE THAMES, Admr on the Estate of NATHL BROUGHTON, dec'd and filed his petition (under oath) setting forth that it is necessary to sell all the personal property of said Estate in order to pay the debts a/c. and praying for an order of Sale. Whereupon it is Ordered by the Court that the second Monday of July next be appointed for the hearing of said Petition and that notice thereof be given by publication in the "Claiborne Southerner" for three successive weeks so that all persons concerned in adverse interest may appear & contest the same if they think proper.

June 12, 1855 - Filed - (Inventory Book "C", p. 342)
A supplemental Inventory and Appraisement of the personal Estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd to Wit:
One negro woman, MARTHA, and infant $ 800.00
One negro boy HENRY 700.00
One negro boy ANDREW 700.00
One negro girl CAROLINE 500.00
One negro girl MARY 350.00
One negro boy DEMPSEY 300.00
The State of Alabama - Monroe County
Before me, C. H. FOSTER, Judge of Probate of said County, came JESSE THAMES, Admr on the Estate of NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd and made oath that the above is a true and correct Inventory of all the ballance of the personal property of said Estate that has come to his knowledge or possession.
JESSE THAMES Sworn to and subscribed June 6th, 1855 - C. H. FOSTER

The State of Alabama - Monroe county
Before me, E. W. ROBERTS, Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County came M. P. STEVENS, W. H. ALDRIDGE and C. R. BROUGHTON, appraisers and upon oath say that the foregoing appraisement of the personal property of Estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd this day presented to us by the Admr. is correct to the best of our judgement and belief.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th June 1855
E. W. ROBERTS, Clerk Cir. Court

July Term 1855 - (Order Book #3, p. 106)
NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd - Estate of
This day came JESSE THAMES Admr on the Estate of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd the said having been appointed for the hearing of his Petition for a Sale of all the personal property of of said Estate, and the notice required by law having been given and no person coming to contest, It is therefore Ordered that said Admr be & he is hereby authorized to sell all of the personal property of said Estate on a credit of twelve months (except one negro for cash) after giving thirty days previos notice and otherwise conducting said sale as required by law.
August Term 1855 - (Order Book #3, p. 111)
NATH'L BROUGHTON, dec'd - Estate of
Ordered that the Sale Bill of the Estate of NATH'L BROUGHTON dec'd be received, recorded & placed on file.
August 13, 1855 - Filed - (Inventory Book "C", p. 360)
Sale bill of Estate of N. BROUGHTON sold on the 13th day of August 1855 on 12 months credit except as to HENRY sold for cash.
CAROLINE " D.O. 475.00
ANDREW " D.O. 700.00
State of Alabama - Monroe County
Before me, C. H. FOSTER, Judge of Probate personally appeared JESSE THAMES, Admr of Est. of N.
BROUGHTON, dec'd who first being duly sworn deposeth & upon oath saith that the foregoing Sale Bill is correct.
Sworn to and subscribed before me Aug. 13/55 - C. H. FOSTER, Judge

March 7, 1859 - Special Term - (Order Book #4, p. 24)
This day came JESSE THAMES the Adme with the Will aannexed of said Estate and filed his account & Vouchers for a final settlement of said Estate. whereupon it is Ordered by the Court that the fourth Monday of March Inst. be appointed for said settlement & that publication be made by advertisement in the "Southern Champion" for three successive weeks, so that all persons concerned in adverse interest may appear and contest said settlement if they think proper.

March 28, 1859 - Special Term - (Order Book #4, p. 27)
Ordered that the final settlement of said Estate be continued to the second Monday of April next.

April 11, 1859 - (Order Book #4, p. 33)
NATH'L BROUGHTON, Sr. , dec'd - Estate of
This day came JESSE THAMES, the Admr. with the Will annexed of said Estate, the same having been appointed by continuance for a final settlement of said Estate. And the notice required by a previous Order of Court having been given. And it appearing to the Court that SARAH BROUGHTON, the legatee in said Will is dead. And JOHN O'GWYNN, in right of his wife, and SARAH BROWN, the residuary legatees, now appearing in open Court. And the account of said Admr being examined, audited & stated. It appears that said Admr is chargeable with the sum of Four thousand four hundred & eighty-eight 12/100 Dollars. And that he has justly expended in & about the costs & charges necessary & incident to said administration & in the payment of the just debts of said dec'd the sum of Two thousand nine hundred & fourteen 99/100 Dollars. And Five hundred & forty & 40/100 Dollars in the support and maintenance of SARAH BROUGHTON, the legatee according to the provisions of said Will. Leaving a balance in hand of said Admr. on this Settlement of One thousand & thirty-two 78/100 Dollars for distribution among those entitled. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that SARAH
BROWN & SUSAN O'GWYNN are each entitled to the sum of Five hundred & sixteen 36/100 Dollars of said residue of balance. It is therefore Ordered, adjudged & decreed that said SARAH BROWN and SUSAN O'GWYNN do each have & recover of & from the said JESSE THAMES the sum of five hundred & sixteen 36/100 Dollars for which execution may issue. It is further Ordered that said Estate be finally closed and that the a/c current as stated be recorded & placed on file.

March 7, 1859 - Filed - (Inventory Book "E", pp. 421 & 422)
Recorded April 11, 1859
(note: the book has a "B" on the cover instead of a "E")
JESSE THAMES, Admr cum testamento annexs of Est. of NATHANIEL BROUGHTON, dec'd in a/c final settlement April 10, 1859.

The State of Alabama - Monroe County
I, M. McCORVEY, Judge of Probate hereby certify, JESSE THAMES, Admr. of Est. of N. BROUGHTON, personally appeared before me & being first duly sworn upon oath says the foregoing acount is correct.
JESSE THAMES before me April 11, 1859
M. McCORVEY, Judge The preceeding a/c examined & stated by the Court & Ordered to be recorded.
April 11, 1859 M. McCORVEY, Judge

Notes of interest:
Based on the date of the Codicil to the Will (June 23, 1852), the probate of the Will in Greene County, MS (July Term - 1852), and the July 1852 date of several of the bills in the final account settlement, it would appear that Nathaniel Broughton died about the first of July in 1852.

The body of Nathaniel Broughton was brought back to Monroe County, AL in July of 1852 (see item #16 of the final settlement of accounts). Sarah Broughton is dead by March 28, 1859 and the money ($540.40) paid out of the Estate for her support was paid to Charles R. Broughton (see item #19 of the final settlement of accounts).

The negroe slaves remained in Mississippi from June 1852 through June 1855 (see items #14 & #15 of the final settlement of accounts). The negro woman, Martha, had two(2) more children, Dempsey and Martha, between June 1852 and June 1855.

Martha and her children are sold together (in compliance with the Will) along with Henry to Charles R. Broughton. In the Will transcript from Greene County, MS one of Martha's children is refered to as "Andersen", but in the Sale Bill from Monroe County, AL he is refered to as "Andrew".

The expenses as shown on the final settlement of accounts only add up to $2755.39 instead of the $3455.39 shown. This is a differeence of $700.00 (the price Charles R. Broughton paid for Henry). I have often wondered if there was an "unwritten" charge to the estate to re-imburse Charles R. Broughton the purchase money of Henry in order that Henry might be given his freedom upon attaining the age of 21 as set forth in the Will.

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King, Brent (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 38

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Unknown, Laura (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 39

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Green, Ricky Randall (b. --Not Shown--)
Reference: 40

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