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Major Decisions of the Supreme Court

1803 - Marbury vs Madison
Established the power of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress or of the executive branch unconstitutional

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1819 - McCulloch vs Maryland
Ruled that a state government cannot tax the property of the federal government.  Broadened the power of Congress to use its "implied" powers

1821 - Cohens vs Virginia
Declared that a decision of a state court is subject to review by United States Supreme Court

1824 - Gibbons vs Ogden
Ruled that a state cannot interfere with the right of Congress to regulate interstate commerce

1857 - Dred Scott vs  Sandford
Declared that African Americans cannot be citizens of the United States and that Congress has no power to forbid slavery in United States territories

1896 - Plessy vs Ferguson
Held that separate but equal facilities for African Americans are not violation of the Constitution

1919 - Schenck vs United States
Established the clear-and-present-danger principle as the test of whether the government may limit free speech

1954 - Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka
Reversed Plessy vs Ferguson and ruled that separation of the races in public schools violates the                 constitution guarantee of equal rights

1963 - Gideon vs Wainwright
Ruled that defendants have the right to be represented by counsel in state trials and that the state must provide a lawyer if defendant cannot afford to pay for one

1966 - Miranda vs Arizona
Ruled that statements made by accused persons who have not been informed of their right to remain silent may not be used as evidence against them

1973 - Roe vs Wade
Legalized a woman's right to an abortion under certain circumstances




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