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My Homepage


MoRe GaMeS!
Need a Code?
Some Computer Stuff
The Sword and Shield Chat Room
My Drawings (not done yet)
My Other Stuff (not done yet)
Smash Mouth
If you are a battlefield player check this out!
My New Star Wars Page (not done yet but visit it anyway)

Welcome to my page!
If you have questions or comments about my
games link,
e-mail Manny Holmes at: customer.service@bonus.
If you want to send me an e-mail
telling me what you think or giving me helpful hints,
e-mail me at the bottom address!
To get to my favorite game on bonus first click on play,
then on Battlefield and, then on battlefield.
The chat room isn't done yet so don't even bother going there.
You can if you want to though.
Be sure to check out my newest page, Star Wars.
