How to post with swf files in your sig..Updated 4-12-04 8:20 PM CST NOTE:SWF files (flash banners) if used in your sig In Alt.Discuss Groups(or usenet)if you try to post with a swf file in your sigbox Like this Your post will NOT show up ever. alt.discuss.html is a non owned group and so for example your post would not show up there if you had a swf banner in your sig like the above example. Then to post & have it show up you must turn off your sig. However you can post to those groups.(alt discuss groups non owned) with the swf banner in your sig.... BUT.. You will need to put your swf banner on a webpage. Then embed that page into your sig.. Like this... Or..Rename the swf to a .gif file. (if you rename the swf file to a gif file then only people on MsnTv aka WebTV) will be able to see it. To use it as a gif you would put it in your sigbox Like this... Note: Computer users will not "see" the swf in either of the above ways.MsnTv users will though.But at least your post Will show up.... In The Club Groups The swfs will show in club or owned groups. example: alt.discuss.clubs.public.username is a club group and you could post with the banner in your sig. Like this And your post will show up just fine. Still ...if your not posting in the firewalled alt discuss groups it's best to turn your sigs off..