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The Old School House

I grew up in the small town of Ladora, Iowa. I lived in front of the old HLV School.

When I was little my mom cleaned out the gym for my grandparents 25th wedding anniversary

while she was doing that one day my cousin, my sister and I decided to take a tour of the school

we headed up the main stairwell of the school and went into every class room trying to see what we could find...

in one specific room of the school we all got major chills we didn’t really agonize it at the time

so my cousin and I went over to the chalk board and decided to draw since there was some chalk left there, my sister just watched behind us....

all of a sudden we hear a this voice that didn’t come from either of us

and my little sister was lying underneath of a locker with blood all around her the locker didn’t cause that much damage to her,

all she got was a bloody nose nothing serious but it freaked us out like no other.

We got my sister up and ran out of that school so fast it wasn’t even funny...

now when I just drive threw that town I get the creeps that something’s out there and the memories of that just come back...

I try to avoid that town as much as possible.

I hoped you enjoyed my story about my cousin, my sister and I.... I know its something that we will never forget.

Written By: Shaunee Dietze

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