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Our House

Well, I live in a small town in Iowa. In this town you wouldn’t suspect anything too much could go on as far as paranormal, or at least that’s what I thought. I am primarily a night person. Anything I do is done after the lights go out, so I am no stranger to ghosts and presences. Well one night while I was just sitting by my computer playing a game online I got this weird feeling like there was someone else in the room. I turned around and there was nothing. So I went back to playing the game. Out of the corner of my eye I see something disrupt or shadow the light that is on in the other room. There was no one else awake and no animals were downstairs. At first I didn’t think much of it but what happened a few weeks later is undeniably weird. Again I was sitting at my computer this time chatting. I thought I heard a slight noise in the kitchen. I turned my music down and just listened. It sounded like a group of children. I just sat and listened for a while and it became clear that they were singing "Ring Around the Rosie" at this point I was starting to get freaked. But as I sat there and listened I heard the same children screaming and yelling for help. A few weeks went by and nothing much else happened until one night while I was again sitting at my computer.... I heard this voice in the kitchen.. it was a young girl.. I sat and listened and the voice said "I did everything you asked me to" and then it paused.... I didn’t know what to think. Then as I sat and listened I heard the voice again it sounded to be in despair it said "I'm sorry I didn’t know please don’t" in a loud scream. Then everything went quiet. That’s all I've heard and seen thus far but if I see or hear anymore I will be sure to submit the story.

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