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My Ghost

Here is my story. I live in a small house with my two older aunts. It a cute little house built in 1875 I know this because there is a brick in the living room that dates the house. I also know the house is haunted by at least 3 possible 4 ghost. One I call Harvey. I have seen Harvey once. It was about 2:30 am and I was heading up stairs for the night. I had just turned out the lights down stair and was heading up when I looked up to see a figure of a man dressed in late 1800 or 1900's attire he smiled at me and disappeared. For some reason this did not scare me. Nothing about Harvey ever does. The second of the ghost I call the old woman, she seems to be centered around the living room area. She mostly roams the upstairs area after every one goes to bed. Here an again I don't fear her. The third one is the one I call the little one. She is playful. Mostly a child, she takes things and puts them in odd places. I once found a curling iron in the freezer. This one too I do not fear she is a trickster and fun to have around. The one I do fear and that I am writing about is the fourth ghost the one who lives in the Attic.

I first met this ghost shortly after I moved in. In order to reach the attic you have to lower a set of ladder like stairs down and open a door. There is a flight of stairs that lead up to a finished Attic. I was going to help my father and brother bring down some spring decorations from the attic and check it out. My father had gone up first then my brother both with out trouble. I put my foot on to the first step of the ladder, and was about to go up, when I felt this overwhelming sense of fear and anger towards me. I looked up and my father said I turned as he put it "white as a ghost" and was sweating big time. It did not stop till I took my foot off the step. The only thing I could say was " He don't want me up there" before I fled the area. I have no clue who or what is up there but I have felt that feeling only twice, the time I tried to go to the attic, and again a few nights ago. I was up late and in the bathroom, I got this fear that someone was behind me. When I looked back there was no one there. I looked in the mirror my face was pail and I was sweating. I ran out of the room and yelled back with a loud "fine you can have it." the next day every thing was fine. This is a true story and though I have a feeling the ghost is not here to harm me I still feel that he don't like me. Sent to me by Kimberly

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