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Ghost of Bagby Road

This is a story that my father told us kids when we were young.... It is about A teacher in the 1800's one night she had been coming home from school when a dog had crossed in front of her and caused her horses to go crazy and throw her from the buggy and she had lost her head by a iron rail of a creek bridge and to this day she lurks in them same woods to claim heads of others to try and replace her own. Now on to my father's story that had really happened to him and his best friend.

One night My father and his friend had been traveling down 12 mile road one night when their car had broke down and while they were trying to fix it they heard a strange noise like someone walking by their car but they seen no one, well needless to say they got scared and hurried to fix the car and took off and went to a river and they thought they were safe but as they sat in the car laughing about the incident they heard someone walking in the rocks around the car but still saw no one and then it was on the roof walking on top of the car but yet when they look they still saw no one but the hand and footprints in blood on the they stayed in the car waiting for whatever it was to leave when suddenly a headless woman appeared on the hood of the car and they tried to start the car but it wouldn't start so they jumped out and started running but the woman was right there on my father says she almost got them both but missed both times she tried to take their heads....but now somehow they managed to get back to the car and get inside and they locked their doors and then suddenly the car had started and they took off as fast as they could....and to this day my father had never been back there at night....My father has taken us kids down that road and showed us the place where he had first saw her but this time it was during the day when he new it was safe to go there but after 20 years I have never seen that road again after that day he showed us.

Now to some this maybe some bull but it is true I have heard from others about this ghost that haunts this road here in Kentucky and never will go back in my life.... I don't have the exact details u would have to ask my father for them but this is my best recollection of what he has told us.

submitted by Michael R Patterson but known in chat as.... St_Michael

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