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The Cemetary

This was a very dark night in mid July. Every year we take a group of kids camping with us to remote, secluded, and primitive places. Our camping trips are intended to scare the kids. I myself do not scare easily. Actually it takes quite a bit to even spook me. We carried on our camping trip as we do every year, things learking in the dark. Monsters growling in the woods, etc. As mid night rolled around, the kids decided, "Lets load up in cars and go to the cemetery" Now this wasn't an area we were really formilure with, so we just basically had to go in search of a cemetery. We found a cemetery not far from our camping site. We had quite a few kids with us, so we had quite a convoy going. The road into the cemetery was on a straight up and down hill. The person who was driving my car was having a hard time getting the old stick shift to go up the hill, so we decided to switch drivers at the base of the hill, the entrance to the cemetery. I opened my door and got out of the car, and as soon as I did I got this over whelming feeling of something going wrong. My knees got really weak, I felt like every hair on my body was standing on end. I got a very eerie feeling of not being wanted in this cemetery on this particular night. I turned to talk to my sister-in-law, who is my strength in these summer escapades. I didn't say a word to her, but as I turned to talk to her she expressed to me that she had a weird feeling, and didn't feel good about being in here. So I put my car in reverse, and all the cars behind me did the same thing, and we all backed down the hill. Once we were out of the imaginary gates entrance we all parked our cars and talked. Everyone in the cars got the same feelings that we did in our car. We decided that we would save this cemetery for another time. It just didn't feel right, it felt mean. I felt like there was something there watching us the entire time we were there. We did go back to this cemetery a week later. Same time of the night, but we did not get the same eerie feeling that we had that night. It felt as if what ever was there that night wasn't there the next time we visited. However, our encounter back to this place is another story.

We decided to go to another cemetery that we had heard stories of over the years. It was a little bit of a drive but we didn't mind. We had never been to this cemetery but the stories were well known in the area. We pulled up to the drive going into the cemetery. This is a very secluded area, all the houses on the gravel road for miles have been abandoned. We decided to back all the cars into the driveway and park them just before the entrance to the gate of the cemetery. There are no streetlights for miles. The gates to the cemetery are old rod iron, with spikes on the top. And the entire cemetery is surrounded by the same type of fencing. This makes climbing the fence kind of hard. If you have ever seen the movie "Warlock" at the end of the movie where they go to sacred ground, this is what the cemetery reminded me of.

One of the teen-age boys with us opened the gate, and we all huddled on through. Huddled in a group we decided that the best way to venture this cemetery was to just go straight on the path we were on and either follow it around or turn around and come back. As we got a few feet from the gate, we heard the gate begin to squeak as if it were beginning to close. This spooked everyone, as there was no wind out to blow the gate, and even if there was this was a really big and heavy gate. It would take more than a breeze to close it. To be on the safe side we decided that we would use something to prop the gate open. One of the boys found a stick and propped it open with that. So we continued on with our venture. A couple of the boys decided they would be brave and venture on a head of everyone else. The girls wanted to stay with all the adults. So in a quiet huddle we continued. It was such a quiet night, and all the kids were so quiet you could have heard a pin drop in that cemetery that night. As we passed a lone grave to our left, we heard what sounded like the cry of a baby. We all stopped, the two boys who had gone on a head of the group came running back. Everyone started asking the others if they heard a baby cry... and of course everyone heard it. Oh I forgot to mention, unlike the cemetery we had been to prior, none of us had a frightened feeling, we all had a sad feeling. An over whelming feeling of wanting to cry. By this time, most of the girls in the group were beginning to cry. I had an over whelming feeling that something or someone there had something to say to us. But it wasn't something bad. I myself even had tears in my eyes. Tears that was hard to keep from falling. We have been back to this cemetery many times since that night, and I have never gotten a sad feeling like I did that night. All though we have had many other encounters and sighting there.

We went back there the next day with a video cam, and a smaller group of people. All though we did not see anything with our naked eyes, the video cam let us know that there was obviously some kind of paranormal there. I don't really think this is a scary story, but yet kind of eerie.

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