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America's Heartland Wrestling

Application - Roster - OOC Board - RP Board - Previews - Rankings and Champions


America's Heartland Wrestling (AHW) is a sister-e-fed of the legendary Colosseum. We take e-wrestlers who aren't quite ready for the main stage and develop their skills here. Some of the world's best e-wrestlers have passed through our doors, such as: Peter "Hellraiser" Hellenbrand, Michael "The Demon" Wendigo, Blue Fire, Rush, E-Train, Floyd Camp, D-Train, Chris Carnage, and "The Rabid Italian" Ryan Holden. Some call us rejects, some call us wannabes, and some call us misfits. We say, "Step into the ring and we'll show you who's a reject!"


President: "The Rabid Italian" Ryan Holden

Commissioner: E-Train