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Welcome to WWMT's homepage!!!

Hi! This is WWMT! The above picture is of my favorite music group WWMT. That is a picture WWMT sent me and Dee from WWMT said I am on of the few Americans to have it. I am a Christian. I believe abortions are WRONG!. I enjoy writing poems , and reading,especially the bible. My MOST prized possesion is my BIBLE! I am now a Senor in high school. I am involved in Band, Concert Band, Pep Band, and Marching Band, Choir, school plays,and Large Group Speech. After hight school at the moment I plan on going to College to be in Youth Ministry. I have really enjoyed being with my your group, helping with Religious Ed, being involved in FCA ( Fellowship of Christian Atheleates). I REALLY enjoy music. I am in Band and Choir. I play the Clarinet in Band and I sing 1st soprano in Choir. I also LOVE christian music. My favorite band is World Wide Message Tribe, They are a group from England. The first time I met them was when I went to a christian music festival called Sonshine. I REALLY enjoyed their concert, message they gave, and everything else. I met them in line for their autographs. I got many pictures of the Tribe and I. Ever since July of 97 I have been keeping in touch with the Tribe members. Cam. & Dee by snail/air mail. The rest of the Tribe I keep in touch by email. I really am thankful for thatI have recieved a poster/pic from the tribe signed. Dee told me in the letter that I am one of the FEW Americans to have it. Cam. ( Cameron Dante) and his wife had their second child this year. CONGRATS again to him. The Tribe had released a NEW album called Frantik. Well, I better sign of for this time. I will continue to work on my pages. I will keep you updated. PLEASE sign my guestbook before you go. Thanks! If you have any suggestions on my page or just any kind of prayer requests please tell me. Thanks. I am BIG on prayer. Feel free to go to the links below. I have a bunch of other of my homepages in the links. Icluding my poetry homepages, my WWMT Tribe page, and others. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL ABUNDENTLY!!!!
The M-Frame ICQ List at the right shows most of my ICQ Contact List. Selecting a name will bring up a window displaying that person's name, nickname, ICQ number, online status, and more. You can also send numerous kinds of messages to the user, visit his/her ICQ Communication Center, email him/her, and even add the person to your ICQ list! Feel free to do so. ;o)
ForeFront Records Get your own FREE guestbook! web~a~Holic


My page with a poem for the Graduates I wrote
My other page. I have my poetry on it
Tonic Sol Fa's Page. An AWESOME music group
Picture of the Tribe
World Wide Message Tribes' Homepage
World Wide Messages Tribes' other Homepage
Musical Cards
Blue Mountain Cards for all Events
Franciscan University of Steubenville
~Heaven and Earth~
My WWMT Tribe Page
My cousin Loris' 1st baby born on Haloween!
WWMT performing on Stage
Pic of Cameron Dante ( WWMT) on Stage
Another pic of Cam. ( Cameron Dante)
A good pic. of Cam. performing on stage ( WWMT)
A Member of WWMT performing on stage
Another pic of the Tribe performing
My Honor to Serve Homepage
My What If I Gave All homepage
FCA's 18 yr old speaker Jeremy Johnston
