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Obi's Wolf Adoptions
And More!

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Last Updated: Sept 11, 2001
I'm sure everyone knows about the horrible WTC incident by now. I'm still a bit shaken by the event, though I live no where near new york. I hope everyone will take the time to pray for the victims and their families. I pray that you and your families are safe.

I'd like to thank everyone for their time, support, and help in making this site what it is today!

I know I haven't been updating alot lately, if you want to see what I've been doing go hereI should get some more adoptions up within the next week..

Hi! I'm Obi, and this is my pal Rocki. I run this place, and take care of all the wolves and creatures staying here. Here you can adopt a wolf or a whole wolf family to love and care for here. WE will soon be expanding our site to accomodate more than just wolf and canine creatures so look for the new additions! You can now JOIN the Top 50 Cyber pet Sites! We have changed the way adoptions are going to be handeled and hope that everyone still remembers to fill out the form!
Click here for special Adoptions!

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copywrite 1999 created by Deanne July 15, 1999 all text images graphics and ideas are mine unless stated otherwise do NOT take anything and claim it as your own!( ex. taking backgrounds or other graphics, or taking a wolf and putting it up for adoption on your site)