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A Day in the Life of.....

This is our attempt to bring Brandon into the 21st Century. Hope everyone likes the pictures. I will try and update the site as I learn how.

Birth Story:

First the stats: Brandon Joseph Turner born 14 Aug 99 at 1509 (3:09) 6 pounds 14.9 oz 21 1/4 inches long APGARS of 4/9
What a long 26 hours. I went to the hospital to get a heartrate check on Friday afternoon because I hadn't had an appointment to see how he was doing since the 3rd. While the doctor was checking me Brandon's heartrate dropped into the 80s and stayed down. The doctor brought in the ultrasound machine and told me that he couldn't in good conscience let me go home. It was hard for me to hide my smile since I was tired of being fat. I called Allen around 2:00 p.m. and told him that we were going to have a baby. He came up and at 3:00 they started my inducement with the cytotec (Sp?) pills on my cervix. The doc warned me that there was a good chance that i would end up with a c-section because we were starting from nothing. I was high, tight, closed and he was still floating. They did another tablet at 8:00 p.m. and gave me a sleeping pill. They said that nothing was probably going to happen untill the morning when they gave me pitocin. I sent Allen home to get a good night's sleep and tried to do the same. I tried to ignore the contractions but by 1:30 a.m. I was in tears and called Allen to tell him to get back up to the hospital. When he answered the phone he asked, "Who's this?" Needless to say that didn't go over very well. He got there at 2:00 and I asked for pain medication. They gave me i.v. medication at that time and said that the anesthesiologist (SP?) was on the way.It took them 4 hours to get the doc there and in that time I went from 2 to 9 cm. I have never felt that much pain in my life. Those who do it natural have my admiration. The doc arrived at 8:00 and gave me an interthecal. They said I was fully dialated and 0 station and that even though it would only last for three hours that I should have the baby before it wore off and that it was less intrussive than the epidural i was asking for. I agreed and was content for awhile. We pushed for two hours straight with the help of pitocin and the baby wasn't moving. At this time we find out that the baby is face up and caught in my pelvis. The interthecal was just about wore off and the baby was no closer to coming. I once again asked for the epidural. The doc came and tried to put it in. Needless to say it is very hard to sit perfectly still through a contraction. They got it in but it didn't take so they made me wait another hour before doing it again. The second one took and we were rearing to go. Poor Allen did not do well throughout all this. He went out when I got my interthecal to call his mom and cried because he couldn't do anything to help me. That let me rest for a half hour with the epidural before having me push again. With the first push his heartrate dropped into the 50s and stayed down there. At this point I'm completly numb from the belly button down and they're telling me to get on my hands and knees. Needless to say I couldn't do that so the nurses just manhandled me into position. Every nurse and doctor on the floor was in my room at that time. the doc looked at me and said that if she didn't have the baby out vaginally in the next 5 minutes she was going to have to take him by c-section and that she wasn't going to be able to be gentle with me. They dropped the bottom out of the table and pulled out the forceps. With the next contraction, she gave me a quick episotomy and yanked him out. He was purple, lifeless and had me scared to death. It took them about 9 minutes to get him to breath on his own and then whisked him away right away. But he's healthy now and both Allen and I are so happy to have our son.

Aren't I an angel?

Lounging with Daddy

You would think they did all the work!!!

Bath Time

My first bath.

Click here to go to page 2

Page 3-Halloween!
More pictures of me (Christmas)!
New Years!
Click here to go to the newest pictures
Click here to go to see my pictures from my first haircut

My trip to Hawaii!
My Baptism!
The Professional Pictures!
A day at the zoo!