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TrueBlond's Complete Waste of Time

What the heck am I doing?

Welcome to TrueBlond's complete waste of time. Okay, this is a complete waste of time for everyone concerned, even me. But that's all okay, It could be cool. Hello, I'm TrueBlond, or as you mortals know me, Elizabeth. I just thought it would be cool to do this for no real reason, so, that's why It's so pointless. But really, if you knew me, you would be scared.

Okay, after seeing numerous awesome sites on the web, I have decided on putting up a COOL SITE OF THE WEEK (or month, season, depending on my schedule). But anyway, my first site is a complete blessing, so therefore I bring you..(insert imaginary durum roll here)...Other People's Papers Perfect for those who never REALLY want to do their work. What do you think? As a matter of fact, what do you think about any of this? Write me and let me know, kay? Thanx. If you write me something, I'll even sent you a free puppygram or something equally weird.

You are visitor number 6million WOW! Never seen it do that before. I guess you broke it.

Anyway, I'd like to make a link to this page I found. It's not mine or anything, and I'm using it without permission, but it's funny anyway. It's called 69(or so) Ways to Frusterate People...and it has been riped off of a cool page called THe PsYcHo BoX


I would also like to say hi to my very good friends Dawna and Schulz.


Okay, this is the fine print, and if you're reading this, you have way too much time on your hands, but hey, that's all okay.

and if you Really have too much time on your hands, go to my REALLY pointless page.


Alright, I've been surfin the web and I came upon a page that brought back found memories from when I was 7. Soo.......I began to wonder if anyone else had the same obsession as I did when they were 7. And thus comes the point. I'm having a contest. The first person to figure out who the graphic is below me and where he came from, you'll win a really nifty prize. A prize of such wonder you could not imagine.

(psst..I haven't figured out what that prize is yet)

So if you think you are cool enough to know who that little guy is, E-Mail me. Thanks a bundle!

wouldn't you like to know

Okay, I saw this thing on the internet that let's you vote on stuff and I thought it was cool and I wanted to try it. This is'nt a really fair vote considering I only had 5 slots so I just named the Simpson's immeadeate family, so if you have any other favorite charecters, just E-Mail me and I'll use my super alien math skills to try to figure it out. Thanx!

And now brand new and probably as populated as death valley, my new chat box at


This page has been screwed up by Elizabeth Farmer.

wierd face

PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP... Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage

Oh, and one more thing, here's a link to USA online, where you can find even more useless pages! YAy! USA Online

Okay, enough of that. I just thought I'd put some links to some cool spots on the web.

Where's the spider?

  • First of all, I'll put a link for... Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages-The ones who made this oh, so-cool page possible
  • And now...Deep in Thoughta cool page that tries to answer all of those thought provoking questions, like..If a turtle looses his shell, is it naked or homeless?
  • Quick ChatIt's cool because you can kick people out of the chat rooms. Plus cool people are there.
  • A Maltese dog siteIn honor of my very cool dogs, Chrissie and Kevin
  • Sailor Moon Here's a really good page about Sailor Moon, my favorite Anime(Japanamation) show
  • A Shakespeare pageJust to show what a weird person I am
  • A Red Dwarf Lynks PageA really big link page to everything you would ever want to know about Red Dwarf, a really cool BritComedy Show.
  • Alex's Box of CrayonsA fun page for when you're really bored, or if you just don't wanna grow up.
  • The Rythem BookKinda fun for all those drummers, and drummer wannabes.
