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Where The TreeVine Searches ! !

Welcome to my site and please take your time seeing what all you may find here. You will
probably find my pages cluttered with many things, and many different interests. But that
is just me.
My second love is that of genealogy research, which began seriously about seven years ago
after the death of my mother. Now I have zillions of cuz' that I never knew about, and most
importantly of all...many many new friends which I have made on the internet.
If you are looking for genealogy material that will help you in your search, please go to my
link site
and see if there is anything that might be of help to you.


My Family Surnames


"The Breadlabane Campbell's"

I have traced back to Alexander Campbell and Mary Cameron of Lochiel, and then there is a gap
between them and the First Earl of Breadlabane, John Campbell. Alexander and Mary came to
Prince Edward Island, Canada in the 1700's. From there the family ancestors immigrated to Dane,
and Iowa counties in Wisconsin. From that point, my mother met my father and moved on to Iowa.
For a visit to my personal Campbell sites follow one of two links: They Came from Breadlabane, or
The Campbell's . There are more links to Campbell information on the link site.
Try this Scots specific search engine:

ARGOS Limited Area Search of the Scots, Medieval, and Ancient World


"The Smith's From New York"

Fennnimore L Smith was born in Fenner, NY in 1837 to Reuben Smith. He later moved on
to Dane Wisconsin where he married Nancy Jane Brink, daughter of Isaac Brink.
. The family moved on to South Dakota and then into Iowa in 1898. Their son, Asa is my great grandfather.
For more information on this Smith lineage, visit The Smith's of New York . You may also find
some useful sites by visiting the link site .



"The Elusive Mudica Family"

For quite sometime nothing could be found out about this lineage, but thank to the wonders
of the internet, a few tidbits will be added to this family. It seems as if James Mudica, a
french salesman, married Emma Knapp of German parents. From this union came six (possibly
more) issue. The story is told that they were forced to put the youngest three children up for
From this union my great grandfather, Victor Mudica was born. He later married Leona Powers
and along came my grandmother, Violet. No one knows where Victor is buried, but Leona is
buried in Basswood Cemetery, in Wisconsin.
Violet met and married Ralph Campbell, of the Breadlabane Campbell's, and thus began the
life of my mother Cerise Elaine Campbell.
For more information, please visit TheElusive Mudica site and see if you may recognize any
of the photos were are present.

"The Ackerman's From England"

Robert Ackerman gave four sons and one daughter to this family line that we are aware of.
Three of his sons, Robert, William, and John immigrated to the USA during the mid 1850's
and settled in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, IA.

There was another son, Daniel, which nothing is know about by me except that he immigrated
to Queensland, Australia; and one daughter which moved on to South Dakota and married
I. W. Dickerson. To find out further about this family of Ackerman's of England, just visit
their site. If you go there, please pardon the mess, I am in the process of reconstruction of all
my sites.

My Greatest Joys in Life

I have the tremendous joy in saying that my daughter brought into my world three unique
and wonderful boys. Blake is the eldest, Zachre is stuck in the middle, and Alec trots along
in the rear. Someday I sure hope a little girl will come skipping by, but it not these three will
keep my life full and happy.


Some More of My Personal Interests

Child Abuse... We, the people, need to concentrate of the misuse and handling of today's
young generation. I speak not only of the babies, but of all younger people who are to become
this nation's future. How much do you really know, or even care, about the abductions and
neglect of children
? Please take time to visit some of the other links above or on the link site.
War...What Is It Good For ???? Do you remember Viet Nam? I sure do and I also
remember that we have many many of our soldiers still missing and considered abandoned by
our government. I have made it my duty to adopt two POW/MIA's and construct a web site to
each of them in their honour for giving of their lives to keep the word "Freedom" alive. Please
visit their site and find what you may do to help bring home our soldiers

For more of TreeVines

While I would love to keep all of my special interests and great internet finds all on one site,
I think that would just become too boring. So if you would like to know more about me...try
out my Geocities Home Site, I think you will find it quite different than this.
You will find links to , which I find their LowRider Arte just the greatest part, you will find access to sites featuring the Lowrider Magazine.
Betty Boop! What a wonderful little cartoon character she is. I have several sites which I have begun to establish. You will find many many images to choose from and much more to come.
Poetry in Motion...Looking for some words of inspiration or something to send to a friend? Try looking here and see if this will help you in your search.
Ah yes, and finally somethings about me as a person. Who Am I? Well I believe that is still in the development stages! But see what is here and maybe you can help me discover who I really am.
Polio . . . Post Polio Syndrome . . .During the past year it was discovered that I have developed PPS as a result of my contracting the poliomengitis virus in 1954. Please read on and find out what many are just discovering about this devastation.

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