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the good place

"hate waking up to another awful day"

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Last update 10th July 2000

beautiful people.

Finished, finally! At around 12 Friday night I sat down and pieced together all the pieces that were making no sense.

Oh, sorry, you've no idea what I'm talking about.

beautiful people is a story that listening to The Eels' Guest List helped me dream up. Yesterday it became the first full-length novel I ever wrote. I'll tell you about it later [watch this space] and maybe we'll see it in print some day.

henry's house.

Doubt this one will be done any time soon, but hopefully before 'A' Levels next year. It is about people on an island, Tilana, and people on another island, England, and how they are connected. I also found it necessary to bring in the subject of forgottens.


When exasperated with the behaviour of the people in henry's house I usually start fooling around with the 24th-century people who inhabit the vectorways, sleepseas, and killing stations of dragonone. So far there are a whole bunch of characters playing an elimination competition to win a place in a winner's circle based directly upon the Chinese zodiac.

Resisting the urge to document the contest between those vying for the Pig's spot, we will follow the path of the Dragon candidates instead.

Made for 800 X 600 resolution. Trust me.

the good place relaunched 10th July 2000