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TGE Comics

Welcome to my website.

Updated November 2007

Hello again,

The first three Black or White stories are posted. There is also a link to the fourth story, Dragon's Blood but it is not complete. I am experimenting with posting it a chapter at a time, to see if I can get more reviews on Edit Red that way. So far it's not worked, but oh well. It allows you the chance to read it before I'm completely done. Bonus for you!

You might notice that these stories are set aside in a cool widget. That is just part of the awesomeness of Edit Red. It makes it much easier for me to direct you to my stories.

Also, I am very proud to present a link to the second issue of The Immortal Staff-Master. It is hosted on a briliant site for webcomics called Smack Jeeves. I love it!

Currently there is no first issue of Staff-Master. It has gotten lost in the inking process. I've fallen way out of touch with my friend doing it. You are not missing all that much however, and a reader should be able to jump straight into issue 2 with no problems.

Check it all out and enjoy!

Site Map

The TGE Comics Message Board
The Immortal Staff-Master # 2
Edit Red, the best writer's resource site I know of.
TGE Comics Art Gallery, Page One
Smack Jeeves - Free webcomic hosting