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Terry Wilcox's Virtual Photo Album

Welcome to Terry Wilcox online photo album. I took some art courses and painted some pictures because I could do very little in 1985 and 1986 because my knee was shattered and leg was broken a couple places when I was hit by a car. I also had some head injury and developed a blood clot. I still have the clot which blocks blood flow in the ilac vein in the right leg 100%.
Food for Thought.

I am alive for some reason but I have not discovered why. Is there a reason shit like that happenes. Is there a reason or purpose when a small child to gets a terminal illness and there small body racked with unwelding pain.
Do you think God is one mean unfeeling bastard.


Here is my best and last painting
done in art class in 1986

My barn painting.

My Duck Painting

Below is my first painting done at art class. The Ducks looks look real good but the clouds and the foreground suck. The clouds and the reeds don't look right.

My Two Sons

Joshua Wilcox age 3
Joshua Wilcox age 15 cox
Joseph Wilcox age 8
Joseph Wilcox age 18

Joseph is a nice gentleman of 23. He is very polite and does not get in trouble. Fri. and Sat. night he is generaly watching tv. I think he needs a bad girl to show him the birds and the bee's.
Joshua is now 21 and is very opinionated. He likes to get drunk and party hardy. I think some bad girl mostly likely has showed him the birds and the bee's. I heard about him streaking at one party, now they just call him "the stud".