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Quotes from Books

"We had two bags of Grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half-full of cocaine and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.... also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls... but the only thing that worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge..."

--Hunter S. Tompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

"Panic. It crept up my spine like the first rising vibes of an acid frenzy. All these horrible realities began to dawn on me.."

--Hunter S. Tompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

"The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent not of passion. Tomatoes are lustly enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious.... The beet is the murderer returned to the scene of the crime. The beet is what happens when the cherry finishes with the carrot. The beet is the ancient ancestor of the autumn moon, bearded, buried, all but fossilized; the dark green sails of the grounded moon-boat stiched with veins of primordial plasma; the kite string that once connected the moon to the Earth now a muddy whisker drilling desperately for rubies."

--Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

"Love easily confuses us because it is always in flux between illusion and substance, between memory and wish, between contentment and need. Perhaps there are times when the contradictions of Love are so intermingled that the only wayto see the truth of Love it to pit it against the irreducible reality of lust.
Of course, Love can never really be stripped bare of illusion, but simply to arrive at an awareness of illusion is to hold hands with truth - and sometimes the hard light of lust affords just such and awareness."

-- Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.

"Harsh labor pierces the rosy membrane of youth and lets the shriveling brine seep in."

-- Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

"It was then that she relized that it was the Odor of the incense that had ingruged her all along, only now the smells filled in the fantisies that hertofore had been mere out lines, sneery conturs scrawled in ghost chalk. Perhaps the most terrible (or wonderful) thing that can happen to an imginative youth, aside from the curese (or blessing) of imagination itself, is to be exposed without preperation to the life outside his or her own sphere-the sudden revelation that there is a there out there."

-- Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

"Sandwiches were invented by the Earl of Sandwich, popcorn was invented by the Earl of Popcorn, and salad dressing by the Oil of Vinegar. The moon invented natural rhythem. Civilization uninvented it"

-- Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

"His hair was red then, red being the color of emergancey and roses; red being the prelates top and the baboons bottom; red madding the bull, red brining the bull down; red being the color of valentines, of left-handedeness and of a small princesses newfound guilty hobby. His hiar was read, his cowboy boots muddy, his heart a hive of musical bees."

-- Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

"I'm saying more than I should be saying. I think you put something in my drink to make me talkative."
"I think you put something in my drink to make me kissative."
They kissed. And giggled like cartoon mice.

-- Tom Robbins,Still Life with Woodpecker

"I no longer konw what love is. A week ago I had a lot of ideas. What Love is and how to make it stay. Now that I'm in love, I havent a clue. Now that I'm in love, I'm compleatly stupid on the subject."

-- Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

"[she] was left to all the satisfaction of haveing forced him to say what gave no one any pain but herselft."

- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice