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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"We are As One In the year Two thousand and one."

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "October, 2001"

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An autumn greeting from Dusty - just for you!

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With our current world situation such as it is, I have chosen to focus this month on the theme, "Hope." My articles explain my philosophy.

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Fall Cleaning

by Dusty

Commitment is a beautiful concept. There is a difference between a commitment to the future and being committed right now. Setting fond hopes for events of the future does not insure commitment to the present.

Gather up every particle in your life right now. Put it all into two different stacks: one material and one spiritual.

Sort and throw (or give) away every material thing that has no purpose in your life. Begin organizing the items you keep so they serve you to their best capacity.

Your spiritual collection may include habits, hopes, dreams, desires and your personal relationship with the Lord. Strengthen your faith, love and fellowship with God and He will do the rest of the sorting for you.

The decisions that come to your awareness will help bring the unexpected into a smooth flowing channel to be handled quickly, easily and with peace of mind.

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Finding Joy Now

by Dusty

Right now is, with divine guidance, each individual's responsibility. Concern for this moment is all that is necessary or possible. We cannot do anything about the past and circumstances control the future.

We sometimes hang hopes and dreams on the future or memories and regrets in the past without receiving the joy and fulfillment of the present moment. If there is a difficult situation happening, we either say it is going to get better or wonder why we keep getting into these predicaments.

We can look at today with full concentration and see what we are receiving from our present situation. If we are discontent, we can take some time for meditation. It can give contentment. If we experience discouragement, we can ask for divine guidance.

Meditation can offer peace and reveal how to experience joy now . . . In this moment we are each in a new right now. Meditation can equip us to be at peace and how to experience joy right now. . . Again, we are in another right now. . . This repetition of instruction shows that no matter when or where our "right now" might be, it is the only time.

Each breath we take brings a new right now. With practice, repetition of experiencing the present moment, we can always find happiness, peace and joy.

Experiencing the moment takes away all selfish anxieties, depression or any feeling of defeat and gives instead, hope and joy. If we allow ourselves to experience only this moment, goodness is happening.

By finding contentment with living in the present and by finding gratitude for each situation as it rises, we can receive a joy deep within. This joy is often indefinable because it is not of the mind.

To live for now is a joy unspeakable. The joy we have in this moment is greater than we have ever experienced. Each moment of new joy is totally fulfilling within itself. We can experience a joy in our whole self that gives satisfaction, peace and assurance. We cannot describe a universal definition for joy. Accumulatively, it is an exalted joy. We receive, through emotions, mind and spirit, a unique capacity to experience joy.

Joy can be found by living for others. There is a special feeling when we do a good deed and assist someone without being asked. This has to be sensibly handled. Some people are so busy living for others that they don't know the joy of living for the spirit within themselves. Both can be done with moderation, balancing each other.

If we might occasionally be apathetic, feeling a little sorry for ourselves or too busy meeting obligations, we can take a break by doing a special kindness for someone. It has a way of lifting our spirits beyond expectations and can offer the desire to take on the world.

The only time to receive a full benefit in experiencing joy is at this very moment. We can hardly say we will experience joy when such and such happens or experience the full effects of joy when speaking of the past. It is something spontaneous that only happens in the present.

There is a joy in knowing who we are and that we have a divine purpose.

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Hope and Joy

by Dusty

Many of us have recently become more aware of the multitudes of hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick and imprisoned. Ministering to them used to seem a monumental task that I turned away from, saying I didn't have enough of that precious commodity, *time.*

A friend recently reminded me that I do already minister to my family, church, circle of friends, neighbors and co-workers.

Those around us may be hungry not only for food but also for love. They may be homeless not only for physical shelter but also homeless because of lack of emotional shelter. They may be imprisoned not only in penal institutions but also by doubt, fear and feelings of hopelessness.

My prayer is that my writing and my words and actions toward those with whom I come in contact may be a message of love, care and concern that offers hope and joy.

"He who receives you receives me..." - Matthew 10:40

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Something we can do:

I received an email suggesting that each of us send a greeting card - relating our love, concern and hope - to the firefighters in NYC.

If you'd care to send a card, the address is

NYC Fire Department
1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
New York, NY 10005

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by Dusty

Harmony and stillness come
by living in the moment
Every moment.
Anxiety takes me out of the present.
I put expectations on myself
that block the peace beyond understanding.
Open fellowship
and walking with peace
Reveal the next step
as it leads.
I give peace my trust
in every step I take.
It gives harmony and stillness.

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!

Find your angel of the day

Seeker's Circle

The Sanctuary

Meditation Center

Miracles Home

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Any comments or questions? Contact Dusty at Life Now

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