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Expansion Encounters
With Dusty

From our new guest writer this month:
By Betty Dye
Stacked up in the universe we are not even a microscopic dot. So ask yourself, why would the universe want you to do a work to keep it in place.

We can not see a lot of things in our bodies, but each part of our body has a function. Nerve endings, small bones, nose hairs, eyelashes and other small parts of our body do not seem to be of much consequence, till we find we have to live without them.

We are here today and gone tomorrow. You might consider our bodies to be a disposable item. We all end up as dust in the end.

If we do have anything left it might be small electrical charges that can not be burned, or as we know it in the religious faction as the soul or spirit. I am not debating that issue since if I ever died before I don’t remember the transition as some people recall like reincarnation, renewal of the soul or as Christ said a new body. The more I study the less I know on the subject. You have to experience something or remember you experienced something to be able to talk about the event.

Consider a building, it is done piece by piece each piece essential to keep the building together no matter what type of building you are constructing.

Each one of us is a building block, how we live and conduct our lives will be a blue print for future generations. We will glean some of the material from the genetics we have and the teachings of past generations that have been passed down . The added learning will be from people we encounter along life’s path, books we read and whatever our brain can glean while it is still active. The problems of life and all its pitfalls and glories will also embed itself in us so we can pass those teachings along we feel are of benefit.

I have heard some people say why should I try to learn anything, all I am going to do is to die and leave it all behind someday.

What we teach others will be added to or discarded and in generations to come will only be a seed . Our material possessions will be quickly dispersed of and anything valuable may stick around for awhile till no one knows who the actual owner was. The pyramids are an example, who built the pyramids, becomes of no consequence when we try to figure out how they are put together, one block at a time.

Some teachings last for thousands of years but they are like the game of gossip they get watered down, misprinted, or added to in each generation.

So what is the difference in trying to be of any benefit in the universe?

Our work here on earth is to learn and teach others. We are the building blocks to be used by future generations, or to be discarded, the strong will keep the foundation going on. In time our kind will reach the stars and fly into the universe forum to change the universe from what it is now. The work we have for the universe is to be a strong building block.

Dusty’s Sharing –
Is Anyone an Island?
By Dusty Reed

"I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers." ~ Henry David Thoreau, "Solitude," Walden, 1854

Thomas Merton's book, "No Man is an Island," offers occasion to reflect on one's lifestyle as well as those of children and grandchildren. How much credit can parents take when a child marches to his own drummer? The lifestyle is often influenced by the love that is shown by others.

Is it true that no person is an island? Manhattan is an island but it has tunnels and bridges to the Mainland, skyscrapers, human population, a busy metropolis. There are many other islands that see a ship come in once every six months. Some islands have frequent visitors but those who visit do not necessarily choose to live that lifestyle.

Each person has the gift to choose how often to face the open waters and travel to the mainland. Some have six-lane expressways running to or from their islands while others have a draw bridge that they can raise or lower at their discretion.

From childhood, the individual acquires communication with others and then must decide what type of communication he most desires. A person hopes to feel safe as he chooses his lifestyle. Even though parents, grandparents, teachers and others encourage preferred relationships, they cannot choose for anyone else. Each person must make the personal choice.

Each child is a unique being. Grandparents can offer love and guidance. One can attempt to show the child, by example, what it means to be loving and considerate of others. A good means of communication with them is the examples one sets - not what is said but rather, what is done. They learn much more from one's actions than from what they are told as being right or wrong. This continues to apply to parenting for older children, as well.

Some people have very little conversation with others. Our son is one such person. He is content with the life he is creating. He is well aware of his personal philosophy. He enjoys taking long, solitary walks. He is an island unto himself, choosing when he desires to travel to the mainland. From previous years of preference to remain on the deserted island, yet still with discretion, he is visiting Manhattan Island more often.

His perspective is one of self-satisfaction with whatever project or thought is before him. He becomes totally absorbed in his now, closing out much of his awareness of his surroundings. He is a deep thinker, becomes totally lost in classical and Celtic music and puts himself wholly into his artistic creativity. His attitudes about life are developing from within. What he absorbs from parents and friends are still personal choices. He continues to covet his personal quiet time. He is, as every human being, an island.

At some time during one's life, dreams are of attaining a preferred lifestyle, a heartthrob, where solitude reigns. It might be living simplistically, pondering spiritual quests, or being more sociable. It may involve delving into crafting, embracing a love of nature, being more attentive to personal health, appreciating and participating in fine arts, gaining a hold in the professional world, or maybe even traveling.

Anyone can persue the dream. For children, if they choose to carry a solitary lifestyle with them, they can modify it through expanding, trimming, bending and fine-tuning as they grow older. It can then begin to transform into something real, something tangible that truly brings joy.

The opportunity is to encourage and accept uniqueness for self and others and yet be attuned to offering encouragement to stay in touch with thoughtfulness of others. This is a philosophy that works well throughout one's lifetime. Individuals can be allowed to choose their length of stay on the island and their style of transportation through the waters. They can be invited to visit the mainland as often as they desire. It offers the delightful diversity of personalities throughout humanity, as nearly everyone emerges from their island at one time or another.
No site referrals this month.

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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