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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Life is Heaven in 2007!

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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by Dusty Reed

We can reverse from death to life in all areas. Age is a state of mind. We are ageless in our inner thinking and in our hearts. Only the body withers, not the center of being. Happiness is also a state of mind. Being bored is a choice. We make the decisions. No one can push a button programming us to have a sour day or cause us to inflict anger, moodiness or resentments on others. We do it ourselves.

We can do anything. Nothing is off limits. We must accept the fact that we will be doing some things well, some mediocre and some in pretty rough form. These can still be claimed as talents, if we make the effort and continue to repeat the achievement.

Can we find five goals we would like to achieve to better sense our wholeness? What are five activities for each of these goals? For example, Goal 1: Get an hour of fresh air daily. Activities: A) walk around the block when going to get the mail; B) water the yard and flowers; C) sit outdoors for morning meditation and Bible reading. Goal 2: Lose ten pounds. Activities: A) Walk briskly for ten minutes each day; B) go swimming twice a week; C) eat well-balanced meals; D) "pig out" one meal a week; E) do twenty sit-ups every day. These are realistic activities.

We can begin this moment doing something on our list. For example, if Goal 2 above, eating well-balanced meals, were my choice, right now I could write a menu and grocery list. If I choose to do twenty sit-ups every day, I could do ten of them right now. The key is to get to the action. Thinking or writing the goals do not bring them into being. Doing an activity immediately begins to bring the goal into focus.

Performing actions repetitiously develops habits. By being aware and filling life with favorable actions, we can shoo away those that we do not desire as part of our regime.

Playing games to make desired actions more desirable to appropriate into one's lifestyle may sound childish but it works. No one else needs to know we're doing it. It is a method that challenges the old thoughts and brings about desired changes.

By games, I mean something meaningful, which helps get the job done. To give self a reward for developing a regime and doing it every day or to give self a special leisure time for accomplishing some new physical exercise would be this definition of playing games. Eventually, after developing the desired habit, the mind and body do not need the reward each time. Accomplishing the activity will provide the reward.

Maybe games are not necessary for everyone, if they already have control over their being. Whatever is necessary can be encouraged or shoed away. This is a disciplined skill and when we attain this state, we can achieve whatever we desire.

We have the responsibility to the good care of our mental, physical and spiritual self. We acknowledge that good health is natural. Imagine self as totally whole. What would life be if we experienced good health every moment?

We are always creating and if we do it with the willingness and courage to be healthy and determination to make decisions, we give good service to ourselves. When the mind is hale and hearty, the body responds with good health.

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by Dusty Reed

What impression do I present?
Am I creative, full of joy?
Do I express compassion,
humble gratitude to others
for helping me discover
a need
to experience closer fellowship
with the Lord?
Am I expressing patience
to allow the natural flow?
What impression do I present?

by Dusty Reed

Creativity is my pixie
Dancing to and fro,
Planning and designating,
Taking front and center,
Directing the show,
Bringing happiness and fun.
Thanks to creativity,
my pixie.

To be resourceful
is to be creative.
To find my inner wisdom
is to allow it to flow.
To relax and find peace
is to allow my inner pixie
to be resourceful.

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Mind Stimulation
by Dusty Reed

Creative dreaming? Why not? It provides much pleasure in the process and can often open channels of awareness toward achieving prosperity.

Think about what you could enjoy doing more than anything else.

Play around with the possibilities in your head. Write ideas on paper. Think affirmatively. Prevent any possible limitations as you begin the creative process. The practical will take its place as it becomes necessary. There is no place for it in the beginning stages. Let your imagination have free reign.

Is there any possibility of developing this into a profitable income supplement or a possibility of it as a source of total income? Write a few suggestions as action steps you could take to get a business rolling in this desired field.

Invest as much time as possible, through the next several days, developing ideas. This is for attainment of any preferable project. If you put it away too soon, it will remain a "someday I would like to..." You can run it through your entire creative process right away. You will soon be likely to claim, "I am starting now to make this work."


Some sites I recommend:
Fire the Grid (Check this out before July 17!)

Metaphysics: Multiple Meanings

World Wide Meditation Center



It is my joy to share with you that I continue to add new rose drawings and some photographs available at! You can view them at Dusty's Roses I now have some of my rose drawings at an auction site, Art By Us
And, I have a page with note cards (for sale) with some of my rose drawings. You can check it out by going to Rose Descriptions.
I have been posting nearly all of my drawings that are not displayed elsewhere at Rose Garden I have two galleries there. The other is at Reed's Loft. It has various photographs, other drawings, and notecards available.

My sister-in-spirit, Sunny, has several of her drawings and has added new photos at, too, at Sunny's Art Work

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, books & post cards - occasionally some nic nacs) are available at Dusty's eBay

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at (with Expansion Encounters as subject). Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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