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This is a story I wrote for my college writing class on being short. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think of it! I got an A- on it.

Right Over My Head

That little skit from the television show The Monkees has always had a special place in my heart:
"Will the real David Jones please stand up?"
"I am standing up."
Maybe I was absent the day that God passed out height or perhaps I was just passed up. It could have gone right over my head since I only stand five feet and one inch in height. I admit it, I am one of the elite; I am a short person.
Standing up for yourself when you are short can be hard to do. I have heard every joke ever created about short people. Even after knowing me for many years, my friends still feel impaled to tell me how short I am. Enough with the short joke. I know that I am short, no one needs to remind me.
I have always been the shortest in my class since I can remember. For every group picture I have been placed in the front row. Whenever someone would say they want a group picture I I would wait until everyone was already in their place before I would take my own place. Where was my place? Sitting or standing in front row as usual. I knew I would end up being placed there so that is why I waited and did it myself.
During my high school career I can remember walking down the halls with my friends cand one of them would say, "Look, there's someone shorter than you!" That someone they were pointing out was usually someone much younger than me and should be shorter than me. At first this was funny, but after a couple of times it turned out to be quite irritating.
They say a female grows until she is twenty-one years of age. That means I only hav two years left until my growth stops. I would like to reach five feet and five inches at least, but I don't think that is going to happpen. Being short isn't so bad, but I can dream of being tall, can't I?


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