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Blood Claw Skirmishes

Enemy Warband Type: Undead
Enemy Warband Rating: 258
Blood Claw Pre-Battle Rating: 104
Blood Claw Post-Battle Rating: 170
Scenario: Wyrdstone Hunt
Outcome of Battle: Loss

Enemy Casualties: None
Blood Claw Casualties: Fao Fang--Out of Action (Full Recovery), Shang Sithek--Out of Action (Full Recovery), Stabbing Death--(2) Out of Action (Full Recovery), Piercing Death --(1) Out of Action (Full Recovery)

Special Discovery: Well. Tatsik Fu descended into the well and discovered a shard of warpstone.
Wyrdstone Discovered: 3 shards + 1 shard from scenario +1 shard from discovered well.

Upon enetering Mordheim, the first warband the Blood Claws encountered was one of Vlad von Carstein's most powerful of minions. This skirmish was short but brutal. The battle lasted 3 turns and ended when the Blood Claws voluntarily routed. Fao Fang was taken down by an arrow fired by a dreg. Shang Sithek fell to a necromancer's fireball. Both members of Stabbing Death and the single warrior from Piercing Death who were taken out by a hired warlock's fireball. Crushing Death did mange to wound the vampire, but failed to do any serious damage. At least Chan Thrak did find a single shard of warpstone which he was able to escape with.

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