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Warlord Gnashik's Army List

The large rat-lord rises from his throne and strides over to a desk ladden with parchments. He riffles through them, finding the one he wants he brings it before you and thrusts it under your nose.

You stare at the alien scratchings on the parchment and shake your heading saying, "Forgive me, Lord Gnashik, but I do not understand your kind's writings."

The rat-man swings an armored fist and clouts you on the side of the head. "Idiot-imbecile. You cannot read our scratchings, but we can read-read yours. Think on that for a while as I read to you my army's roster."

1000 point army


Chieftain w/ Languisher Sword, Caustious Shield, heavy armour.

Chieftain Battle Standard Bearer w/ heavy armour, War Banner.

Warlock Engineer w/ warplock pistol, warp-blades, upgraded warp-energy condenser, Storm Daemon, Dispel Scroll.

Core Units

30 Clanrats w/ spears, light armour, shields; Full Command; Ratling Gun; led by Chieftain, accompanied by Warlock Engineer.

30 Clanrats w/ spears, light armour, shields; Clawleader, Musician; Ratling Gun; led by Chieftain Battle Standard Bearer.

20 Clanrat Slaves; Musician.

20 Clanrat Slaves; Musician.

1 Giant Rat Pack.

1 Giant Rat Pack.

Total Cost: 996 points

2000 point army


Warlord w/ Desolate Blade, Warpstone Armour, Warpstone Charm, warplock pistol, shield


Warlock Engineer w/ warp-blades, upgraded warp-energy condenser, super-charged warp-power accumulator, Storm Daemon, Dispel Scroll.

Warlock Engineer w/ warp-blades, upgraded warp-energy condenser, super-charged warp-power accumulator, Death Globes, Warp Scroll.

Chieftain Battle Standard Bearer w/ heavy armour, Sacred banner of the Horned Rat.

Core Units

25 Stromvermin w/ shields; Full Command; War Banner; led by Warlord. 30 Clanrats w/ spears, light armour, shields; Clawleader and Musician; led by Chieftain Battle Standard Bearer.

30 Clanrats w/ spears, light armour, shields; Full Command; Ratling Gun; led by Warlock Engineer.

30 Clanrats w/ spears, light armour, shields; Full Command; Ratling Gun; led by Warlock Engineer.

20 Clanrat Slaves; Musician.

20 Clanrat Slaves; Musician.

10 Nightrunners w/ additional hand weapons; Nightleader.

1 Giant Rat Pack.

1 Giant Rat Pack.

Special Units

10 Gutter Runners w/ poisoned hand weapons; Black Skaven.

Total Cost: 1995 points

2250 Eshin Army
(Using Storm of Chaos list)


Master Assassin w/ Fell Blade, Talisrat of Protection


Sorcerer (lv 2) w/ 2 Dispel Scrolls

Sorcerer (lv 2) w/ 2 Dispel Scrolls

Sorcerer (lv 2) w/ Warp Scroll

Core Units

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapnos

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons, throwing stars

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons, throwing stars, Nightleader

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons, throwing stars, Nightleader

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons, throwing stars, Nightleader

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons, throwing stars, Nightleader

7 Night Runners w/ additional weapons, throwing stars, Nightleader

5 Rat Swarms

Special Units

5 Jezzails

7 Gutter Runner Tunnellers w/ poisoned hand weapons, Black Skaven

7 Gutter Runner Tunnellers w/ poisoned hand weapons, Black Skaven

Rare Units



Total Cost: 2248 points
