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Rurouni Soujirou

Welcome to my Rurouni Soujirou homepage for my Rurouni Soujirou fan fiction!!!

After watching the "Soujirou Episodes" I couldn't help but wonder what in the world happened to everyone's favorite "happy killer" and then. . .I got an idea ::duh duh duh::. I know, I know, my ideas usually cause massive destruction, but hey, I couldn't help it!!! So here is the product of my little brain storm. So far I have *eight* chapters, yippie skippie!! You can find them on the link clearly marked chapters, I know you are all smart people,so you could have figured that out. I just like to state the obvious.


Chapter Eight: Sayonara. Added October 4, 1999. New Chapter, and the end of the Blizzard Story Arch! But don't worry, there will be more and more story archs! Also look for a change in the layout here!

The Fanfiction Chapters
Rurouni Soujirou Characters

DISCLAIMER: Soujirou and any other characters from Rurouni Kenshin that stumble into my fan fiction are NOT MINE, regretfully, and were created by the wonderful and talented Watsuki-sama!! Though any other characters that aren't in Rurouni Kenshin, were most likely made by ME!!! ::evil laughter::