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Welcome to Rebob's Place!! This is the Web Site of Robert Buckley's, aka rebob!

This is my second Web page, the first one being from Angelfire...

this second one, was born on Microsoft's Front Page Express .

I would very much appreciate if you would E-mail me,

letting me know what you think about it.

You can find my E-mail addresses at the bottom of the page.

Thanks to my fiancee Kim Marie!, for without her technical know-how,

and moral support, I would have never even bothered with doing this!!!



If you've stepped in here expecting one long, slow downloading page, SURPRISE!

I've split it up into five much faster downloading pages!

It took me all of Saturday, 24 April to complete!

I'm quite proud of the results! And I'm sure that those that had to suffer

with the slow download of before are much happier now!

Again, Welcome to Rebob's Place, and Enjoy!!




A picture of yours truly...humbly!!!

A QuickCam VC picture of Yours Truly and my daughter Heather Marie Buckley!!

Live Demo: Days until Date



  1. I Want You (She's So Heavy)
  2. Helter Skelter (mono)
  3. Something (Take 37)
  4. A Day In The Life (take 1)
  5. Yer Blues


Click here for dotmusic



Have a look at the weather in Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA!


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