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Jenna Morrison

Artist, Jenna Morrison, competed in adult art competitions while still in grade school. She received excellent art instruction in high school from Mr. Doug Renkly, an accomplished artist himself.

Jenna graduated in the class of 2000 and immediately started in graphic art school. She has a diploma in graphic design. She has exhibited locally.

Jenna specializes in dramatic realistic graphite and pencil portraits. She is skilled in all area's of graphic design creating layouts for ads, logos and cd covers. She is also trained in web design.

Jenna will Create portraits for clients throughout the US and abroad, she works from pictures you provide and consultation with you. She captures the expression and play of light in all portraits truly bringing the rendition to life. She has received numerous awards and recognition from other artists and institutions throughout the world.

* New* Jenna's Photographs

Portrait Fees · Portfolio

Jenna Morrison can be reached at


Omaha, Nebraska

* NEW * Jenna: vocals on Son Ambulance/Saddlecreek Records

Rollingstone Review

Monkeycube Review

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