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This is just a site I put together for fun. Feel free to browse at your will! Thanks for visiting!

We are please to annouce that Jaelynn Cheyenne Solida was born 5-6-08 at 12:38p.m. She weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. Here is a picture! I have also added more pictures here

all the great stuff

The picture above is of all the stuff we got at the baby shower on 3-16-08. Special thanks to Christy, my neighbor who organized the shower for April. Also, thanks to Mom and Jim, Dad and Chantel, Debbie and Joe dink, Amy Lee and family, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Don, Chantelle, kristie and Lori, Christyann, Aunt Pam, Curtis and Mark, Gary and Kathy, Karissa and family, Katie and family, Aarika and family, Emily and Rodney, Grandma O, Tammy, Sue, Scott, Liz and family, Evy and family, Luke and family, and all our other family members and friends for the great stuff and help with the nursery! We are very very greatful.
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