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Welcome to the homepage of Florida SPOC. Myself Michael Bard, and Drew Vickers; Co-heads of FL SPOC are very pleased to announce the new year of Saturn Performance. In the next few months you will find new sections in our webpage such as tech tips, and part reviews taken from the members ourselves. Also, as you can see the timeslips page has been put up on the page, but you can also see we dont have much for times. If your a member of FL SPOC, and you have a time slip, or a race result from auto x, PLEASE send them to me. I will be updating this site about once a week so your new times will be posted!


There are some races coming up at Orlando Speedworld this weekend, Sunday February 27th. For more info. on that contact Drew Vickers at

Also, next Friday, March 3rd there are a few of us planning on going to the races at Desoto Dragway in Bradenton, Fl. For more info. on those races contact me at


Everyone who has some timeslips, or any racing results, please email them to me at, Our timeslips section will be on the page soon. Fl SPOC is also going to be dropping the "Owners Rides" section for while. This site is going to be more dedicated to performance from here on out. Later a new "Readers Rides" section may be reinstated, but for now it will be extracted from our website.

Stay tuned as there will be major changes in the near future to your FL SPOC webpage!!!

FL SPOCS Fastest
Driver E/T SPEED
Mike Bard 15.4 88.3 mph
Drew Vickers 15.6 88 mph
Jay Otto 16.0 86 mph
Sam Falcone coming soon
Rich Weber coming soon

Saturn Performance Links

Saturn Performance Owners Club
Saturn Performance Systems
Sierra Auto Performance
Saturn Motorsports

copyright 2000 MRB13HAWK/MCDELUXE