
If you like Britney...go away!!!!

Welcome all fellow Britney Haters!!!
I do realize that some of you who may have 'accidentely' wandered into my site may actually be 'fans' of hers, but then why would you want to come to an anti-Britney Spears site?
Hmmmm...Maybe you're not really fans?
Maybe you too see past all her silicon and fake personality? Maybe.
You can think whatever you want, but I know the truth!
But, to see the truth you must realize that MY 'truth' is based only on MY opinion.
If you are really a 'fan' and do decide to venture into the unknown, and decide to e-mail me and bitch me out about 'Oh, she really is beautiful!' Bull shit, bull shit!
Then, I have all reason to e-mail you back and bitch you out! AND I WILL TOO!!!!!

Hey! Visit the webring-master's site! ThisAnti-Britney Spears site is owned by
Alisa Falk

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So, enjoy my site and remember, if you bitch me out, you can damn well expect an e-mail back from me!
