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Some Historical Information


In 1870, a man named Joe Wingate brought over from northern Ireland, a strain of birds that had a single comb, were mostly brown red (some showing ginger coloration)but all had dark leg and hazel eye. The hens came dark brown or ginger(with the occasional straw neck) were of medium station, with many growing spurs.
One of these Irish hens was a favorite of Joe`s and he had her set and mounted when she died. This mounted hen is in existence still, but looks nothing like the hens of the so-called Wingates you see today. The cocks of this family were not big, perhaps 5.4 or under, broad backed but not heavy, although strong boned. They were single stroked cocks, fast and strong in the mix-upDid Wingate added new blood to the above family from an English hen he had brought over, mahogany colored with hazel eyes and dark lead colored legs. He bred this hen under the Irish cock and then bred some of those crosses back into the original line. The infusion of this blood increased the size until, he was seeing weights of occasionally 6.2 or 6.4.
A fellow named Holly Chappell while down in Alabama on one of his trips, had gotten a hold of a standout cock and brought him home. He bred him over his hens that were understood to be north Briton and brown red crosses.
Wingate and Chappell were friends, Wingate got one of the cocks out of this cross and bred him over a brown red hen. After reducing the cross some more, he put the blood of the Chappell line into the Irish family with many positive results.

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These usually high stationed, white legged birds, have.......
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