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If it's not "Planet Jeff", then it's probably Guano.

Hooray!! It's Planet Jeff's 1 Year Anniversary!!!


Hey, I haven't updated the page since Thanksgiving! That's gotta be some kind or record...



Hooray! I got the Editor!



I got the camera!! I GOT THE CAMERA!!!






Planet Jeff's Star Wars Page

In case you didn't know, Planet Jeff is right near the Star Wars galaxy. So go here to check it out.


The library is cool because it's free.

Surprise,surprise. I've bagged me's a new page.

This is my page dipicting the presidential run of one Theodore Ruxpin. Good friend o' mine. Vote Ruxpin

This is The Nevele resort; my "hangout" place for Memorial day weekend with me family members. It is nestled in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York, a couple of hours from Sharon Springs, which is about 30 minutes from Cooperstown (home of the baseball hall of fame). Don't let it's homely aura fool you, this tower is actually a communist rocket which houses the Nevele executives' many tons of fusion explosives and technology 80 years more advanced then tech as we know it today. If you drain the lake nearby you'll find Area 51(B, that is). Not really. It should be a rocket, though. Anyway, it's a fun place for my cousins and I, well equipt with boating, hiking,horsie riding ( I think my cousins and I all recolect the memories of my horse that would fart melodically, hang-gliding (which I have yet to try)... hell, it's even got it's own waterfall. Well, the water fall was actually discovered before the hotel by eleven school teachers. Try spelling eleven backwards. Conspiracy? It think not. So this is my little Nevele tribute. Look for locations around the Nevele in SWGOTC. Chika-Chika-Boom-Boom!(inside joke, ask me some other time)

*Vimana* Pictures

The Great *Vimana Picture's website.

This is my Dog, cindy, and my cat, Frosty. They're the best pets ever. Not to mention the new addition to the family, Oliver. Look for A cameo by Oliver in the upcoming "Star Wars: Ghosts of the Citadel".

This is where my family meets for family reunions, in good ol Sharon Springs, upstate New York. This is the Brustman house. My great-grandmother bought it over a half a century ago. Some say it was the wisest decsion she ever made. Others say it wasn't the wisest decision she ever made. Well, I'm not getting in the middle of that one. I'll let the two groups fight it out. Anyway, this is my hang out place on the weekends in summer. One of my favorite places in the world. I plan to shoot some locations here for SWGOTC.So this little spot on my pages goes out to honor the Brustman House and Sharon Springs.

The Planet Jeff Awards!

That's right, boys and girls, it's time for more of those Planet Jeff Awards. Those silly things. People have asked me, "Hey Jeff, Oh Godjeffy, Don Jeff-e-one, are you worried that the upcoming emmy's will upstage your meeble Planet Jeff Awards in popularity?" Of course not! Everyone loves the Planet Jeff Awards, except for maybe Dave, because he lost so many times. The person that asked this ridiculous question is sadly no longer with us...

Alright, how bout we get down to buisiness? The First Award is for the best Front Man. the nominees are...John Lennon of the Beatles, Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters, and Eric Heinbach of Jeff Says No. And the Award goes too...

Eric Heinbach of Jeff Says No!

Thank you,thank you.I am honored to be receiving this award.I shall follow in the great footsteps of legends like Aqua,Cumbawumba,Stroke 9,& of course,Vanilla Ice.These bands have made me the frontman that I am today.

Ok, thank you Eric. Our next award goes to the silliest Anarchist. The nominees are Johnny Rotten, Dave Gasson, and the guy who shot McKinley. And the Award goes to...


Say Dave, would you like to make a speech?

Not really.

Well, that's about as silly as an anrchist can get. But you gotta admit, the guy that shot McKinley cracked up all the guards on Death Row. Haha, like there was this one he said when A Priest, A Rabbi, and Teddy Rosevelt walk into a bar...oh,wait, nevermind. Onto our next award. This one goes to the Craziest British Old Men. The nominees are...Piper and Polyaugy , Winston Churchill and the caricature of Winston Churchill's head on the Villa Rosa placemat, and Rowan Atkinson and his teddy bear. The awagoes to...

Piper and Polyaugy!

Would you like to make a speech?

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Well,well, lookie here. It's a guestbook. Why, it appears to ne my guestbook. SO SIGN IT ALREADY!!!! Please...

Here's some links, you link-thirsty demons. Prey off me no further!Well, it's sorta up to you...I mean...


Eric's News and Updates Page

Tom's Guano Page

The Scott Smells Like Onions- Kemdi Smells Like Rotten Egg's Site (Bissert's Page)


Foo Fighters
